Sparebanken Vest

10/14/2021 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 10/14/2021 08:07

Sparebanken Vest: Successful new tier 2 bond issue

Sparebanken Vest has today issued a new dated tier 2 bond issue of NOK 350 million, with a coupon equal to 3 months Nibor + 1.00 percentage points. The new tier 2 bond issue has a tenor of 10 years, with a first call option 5 years after the issue date. The bond issue will be applied for listing on Nordic ABM and the issue date will be 21 October 2021. The bank has also bought back NOK 237.9 million in the outstanding bond issue with ISIN NO0010786015 (SVEG90 PRO), at a price of 100,434 %. The remaining outstanding bonds in the bond issue amount to NOK 112.1 million. The buy backs have settlement date 21 October 2021. The bond issue and the buyback are approved by the General Meeting and the Board of Directors in the bank. Swedbank AB (publ.) and Norne Securities AS acted as arrangers for the bond issue. Contact persons in Sparebanken Vest: John Hopp, Head of Treasury, tel: +47 45 08 17 76 Thomas Colliander, Finance Manager, tel: +47 99 02 86 18 This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5 -12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.