City of Key West, FL

05/12/2024 | Press release | Archived content

National Police Week and Law Enforcement Memorial

Mayor Teri Johnston and the Key West City Commission have proclaimed May 12th through the 18th as National Police Week.

"As a city we rely on law enforcement officers to keep our neighborhoods safe, enforce our laws, and respond in times of crisis," reads the proclamation. "These men and women sustain peace and order in our community. They routinely put their lives on the line to defend ours, and the price of the bravery may result in injury, disability, or death."

This week we honor their extraordinary service and sacrifice, and we remember the fallen heroes whose selfless acts have left behind safer streets and stronger communities.

The annual nationwide designation is meant to both honor those who are serving as well as those who paid the ultimate price for community safety.

The week culminates at 5 p.m. Friday, May 17th with a memorial ceremony at Bayview Park. The community is urged to attend and remember those local law enforcement officers who died in the line of duty.

"It is important that all citizens know and understand the duties, responsibilities, hazards and sacrifices made by the Key West Police Department," continues the proclamation, "and that the members of the Key West Police Department recognize their duty to serve the people of this city by safeguarding life and property, and by protecting them against violence and disorder."