Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic

06/20/2022 | Press release | Archived content

Martin Klus: We must raise the awareness of children in primary schools that Europe is our common home

20.6.2022 | Aktivity štátnych tajomníkov | Európska únia | Konferencia o budúcnosti Európy | Martin Klus

State Secretary of the Slovak Foreign and European Affairs Ministry Martin Klus welcomed students from the Primary School Karloveská 61 at the Ministry´s premises on Monday, 20 June 2022.

"It is already an entire generation of young people who have not experienced Slovakia before it joined the European Union - they were already born in a peaceful, democratic and prosperous EU, and therefore, the advantages of our membership are taken for granted. Therefore, it is even more important to explain to them that all of this is not automatic at all and we can easily loose it if we aren't interested in and don't take care of our common European home," stated the State Secretary Klus.

Therefore, the State Secretary attributes great importance to the education of children and students on the functioning of the EU and awareness about the European values that continue to inspire even after decades. This is also attested to by the interest of several European countries in EU membership.

During their visit to the Ministry, the students also learned, in an interactive form, more about the history and the functioning of the EU, as well as about eighteen years of our membership and how it shows in everyday life. The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic also contributes with such activities to increasing awareness about the EU, exactly according to the requirements of the recently finished Conference on the Future of Europe, which these activities are following up on.