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04/25/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 04/25/2024 10:38

Space Environmentalism: Toward a Circular Economy Approach for Orbital Space

Moriba Jah is a professor of aerospace engineering and engineering mechanics at the University of Texas at Austin


Space Environmentalism: Toward a Circular Economy Approach for Orbital Space

Perspectives| April 25, 2024

As humanity ventures farther out into the universe, the vast expanse of orbital space, the region that spans from around 100 kilometers above the Earth's surface to roughly 36,000 kilometers, presents itself not as an endless frontier but as a finite and delicately balanced ecosystem. This realization forms the foundation of space environmentalism, a concept that emphasizes the responsible stewardship of orbital resources to ensure their long-term sustainability. The space environmentalist principle of the circular economy, informed by the traditional ecological knowledge found within pockets of indigenous communities, enables us to manage orbital space with foresight and caution, ensuring the safety, sustainability, and long-term viability of space exploration. Only by doing so can we preserve orbital space as a valuable resource for generations to come.

The Finite Nature of Orbital Space: Understanding Orbital Carrying Capacity

The finite and delicate realm of orbital space, characterized by anthropogenic space object orbits, holds a capacity akin to the lanes of a highway, each lane accommodating a limited number of satellites and space objects. This capacity, known as orbital carrying capacity, defines the sustainable limit of occupancy within orbital space.

Consider low Earth orbit (LEO), a bustling region situated between approximately 100 and 1,200 kilometers above Earth's surface. Here, a myriad of satellites, from communication satellites to observation satellites, traverse various orbital highways. However, with the advent of satellite mega-constellations like SpaceX's Starlink, concerns about congestion and collision risks have surged. The United States tracks upwards of 50,000 anthropogenic space objects (ASOs), of which a bit over 5,000 are working satellites providing humanity with a critical service or capability. Most of these tracked ASOs are uncontrolled, their physical traits are unknown, and their motion is uncertain, making the prediction of collisions between them quite challenging. The risk of collisions is that two objects collide and splinter into many thousands or more, each object becoming a new hazard to something in orbit that we care about protecting but are unable to. The finite nature of LEO becomes starkly evident as we grapple with the challenges of managing orbital congestion while ensuring the sustainability of space activities.

Moriba Jah

Moving farther out into space, we encounter geostationary orbit (GEO), a prized realm located approximately 35,786 kilometers above the equator. GEO, with its fixed position relative to Earth, serves as a hub for telecommunications and broadcasting satellites. Yet, the limited orbital slots available in GEO and the increasing demand for them have sparked intense competition among satellite operators, raising concerns about spectrum congestion and interference.

The concept of orbital carrying capacity underscores the necessity of responsible space management. When this capacity is saturated, the ability to navigate and mitigate risks diminishes, leading to potentially undesirable outcomes.

Space Debris: A Growing Menace in Orbital Space

The proliferation of space debris is consuming orbital carrying capacity, taking space away from satellites that could provide services and capabilities to humanity's benefit. This debris, composed of defunct satellites, spent rocket stages, and remnants from collisions and deliberate actions, poses a significant hazard to operational spacecraft and future missions. The physical behavior of the debris is governed by astrodynamics and our collective actions. Our models for these are flawed and inexact, which hinders our ability to accurately and precisely predict when and where undesirable events, such as collisions, could occur.

Anti-satellite (ASAT) tests that involve the deliberate destruction of satellites contribute significantly to the proliferation of space debris, exacerbating the risks posed to operational spacecraft and manned missions. For example, during Russia's November 2021 ASAT test, a Russian missile intercepted and destroyed one of its defunct satellites, Kosmos-1408, situated in LEO at an altitude of approximately 500 kilometers. The resultant debris cloud from this destructive action has not only endangered existing satellites and manned missions but has also disrupted ongoing space endeavors, notably SpaceX's Starlink constellations. As SpaceX endeavors to deploy thousands of small satellites for global broadband internet coverage, the presence of debris poses a formidable challenge.

Furthermore, the 2007 ASAT test conducted by China serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring impacts of such actions. The destruction of the Fengyun-1C weather satellite during this test resulted in the generation of thousands of trackable debris fragments, persisting as a hazardous cloud in Earth's orbit.

The Circular Space Economy: A Sustainable Solution to Orbital Challenges

In the ever-expanding domain of space exploration, the challenges posed by orbital congestion, space debris, and the finite nature of Earth's orbital space have sparked a quest for innovative and sustainable solutions. Projects like the European Space Agency's ClearSpace-1 mission exemplify proactive measures aimed at active debris removal. By capturing and deorbiting defunct satellites, initiatives like ClearSpace-1 offer promising solutions to mitigate the risks associated with space debris and safeguard the sustainability of space activities.

While such solutions for debris removal are effective, the necessity of responsible space management calls for a new approach to the engineering of space objects to decrease the amount of space debris generated in the first place. When ASOs stop working, they remain in orbit for many years, decades, centuries, or longer. We never remove or clean our abandoned orbital debris. Instead, because these are all single-use systems, we just launch more. In essence, we currently have a linear space economy whereby every space system that we launch has as its end-state to become garbage and a hazard to working satellites. Instead, we must embrace the circular space economy, a visionary concept rooted in the principles of sustainability, resource efficiency, and responsible space practices. This framework offers a promising avenue for mitigating the risks associated with space debris and ensuring the long-term viability of space exploration.

The circular space economy draws inspiration from the broader concept of a circular economy, which aims to minimize waste and maximize resource efficiency. At its core, this approach advocates for the development and operation of reusable and recyclable satellites, spacecraft, and space infrastructure. By integrating circular design principles, such as modular and interoperable components, into satellite engineering, the generation of space debris can be significantly reduced.

One key tenet of the circular space economy is the concept of "design for disassembly." Satellites should be engineered to be modular and easily decommissioned at the end of their operational life. This approach facilitates the responsible disposal and recycling of end-of-life spacecraft, minimizing the impact on orbital space. For instance, a satellite designed with recyclable components can undergo a systematic disassembly process, allowing valuable materials to be recovered and repurposed for future space missions without the need to bring them back to the Earth's surface.

Moreover, the emphasis on reusable launch vehicles and in-orbit servicing capabilities contributes to the circularity of space operations. Companies like SpaceX, with its Falcon 9 rocket, have demonstrated the feasibility of reusing rocket components, significantly reducing the environmental footprint of space launches. In-orbit servicing missions, such as satellite refueling and repair, further extend the operational lifespan of satellites, reducing the need for continuous replacement launches and minimizing the creation of additional space debris.

Integrating traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) into the circular space economy adds a dimension of cultural and environmental sensitivity to space exploration. TEK, often held by indigenous communities, encompasses a deep understanding of the natural world and sustainable resource management practices. Applying TEK principles to space activities involves respecting the delicate balance of celestial ecosystems and aligning space endeavors with the broader harmony of the cosmos. Integrating indigenous perspectives and ecological wisdom into space activities enriches our understanding of the interconnectedness of all cosmic phenomena and underscores the importance of cultural sensitivity and environmental stewardship in our cosmic endeavors.

For example, drawing on indigenous perspectives on sustainable resource use can inform the way we govern and make use of the shared, finite orbital resource in a way that minimizes environmental impact and enhances the overall resilience of orbital environments. TEK is premised upon accepting that we are always in an existential crisis and that our only way through it is to have a successful conversation with our environment. Part of that requires us to allow the environment itself to provide us with feedback on the unintended consequences of our actions. Currently, we are launching at ever-increasing rates, now averaging over a dozen satellites per week, when just years ago we launched one satellite a month at best. Collectively, we are outpacing the environmental feedback mechanism, and this will be to our overall detriment.

Embracing TEK also requires us to expand the conventional notion of a practitioner of science. In Western science, only those who go to school and receive certain degrees are the ones who are practitioners of science. In many indigenous communities, every member of the community is a valued observer and practitioner of TEK and, therefore, science. Achieving space sustainability requires input from humanity writ large.

Collaborative initiatives such as the space sustainability rating system and fora such as the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space provide platforms for integrating TEK tenets and principles into space governance. The circular space economy, if developed and nurtured, can become the beacon of sustainability in the exploration of outer space. By embracing circular design principles, reusability, and in-orbit servicing, this paradigm offers a compelling solution to the challenges posed by space debris and orbital congestion. Integrating TEK principles and tenets further enriches this approach, infusing cultural wisdom and ecological sensitivity into the quest for a sustainable cosmic future. Through the harmonious coexistence of technological innovation and traditional knowledge, humanity can chart a course toward a resilient and sustainable space exploration era.

Charting a Sustainable Course in Outer Space

A circular space economy approach, informed by insights gleaned from TEK, promises to be an effective compass in our quest for sustainability in outer space. But in order for our quest to be successful, international cooperation is key. Collaborative frameworks like the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space and public-private partnerships pave the way for collective action and knowledge sharing on matters of space governance, space situational awareness, and sustainable space practices. Through dialogue, partnership, and mutual respect, nations and space agencies can harness the collective wisdom and ingenuity of humanity to navigate the crowded cosmos and successfully adapt to an evolving environment.

We stand at a pivotal juncture in our cosmic journey - a moment that calls for visionary leadership and steadfast commitment to responsible space stewardship. As we embark on this voyage of discovery and renewal, let us chart a sustainable course in outer space - one guided by the principles of circularity, collaboration, and cultural sensitivity. By embracing responsible space practices, fostering international cooperation, and honoring the wisdom of TEK, humanity can navigate the cosmic seas with reverence and resilience, ensuring a brighter, more sustainable future for all who journey among the stars.


The views expressed in this perspective are those of the author and not necessarily of the author's organizations, the National Academy of Engineering (NAE), or the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (the National Academies). This perspective is intended to help inform and stimulate discussion. It is not a report of the NAE or the National Academies.

© National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

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