cbdMD Inc.

11/29/2021 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 11/29/2021 23:12

CBD for Sleep: Get Better Rest This Holiday Season...

The holidays can wreak havoc on your sleep cycle, even with our best efforts to unwind and turn off all the blue-light gadgets before bed. Supplements like melatonin or CBD oil products for better sleep can help us get through the holiday season.

We need all the endurance we can to get through the chaotic holidays, and CBD oil products can help you get that precious slumber you need. We need to stay healthy to weather the winter months that bring all kinds of blustery storms one day and dry winter air the next. It affects our skin, our mood, and our overall health.

People are struggling this holiday more than ever with added stressors and a lack of quality sleep, which takes a measurable toll on our bodies and our spirits.

The Holidays Can Sap Your Sleep

With all of the added excitement, shiny baubles and tinkling trinkets, blustery days of shopping- until-you-dropping, it's no wonder your eyes refuse to close at night. Winter can bring you and your family an unwanted Christmas Grinch-like illness or terrible weather, making the holidays not only busy but scary, stressful, and even lonely if you miss out on holiday festivities.

Though the holidays can be merry and bright for you and your loved ones, even merriment is extra stress for your body to manage. There are lots of things to do! Bring on the lists! Before you know it, sleep starts feeling like it might be a waste of time.

All of the holiday spirits in the world cannot override a sleep deficit. Yes, do all the things to make your holiday super-special, but also plan for the sleep your body needs to function at its best. You certainly don't want holiday bags - under your eyes!

Newsflash: Your Body Needs Sleep

Of course, your body tells you this regularly - need more sleep now, please! But did you know that there are certain body processes that rev up during your sleeping hours, keeping your body fit, repairing your muscles, and helping you to ward off those winter "bugs"? Without sleep, you'll get run down and possibly even get sick.

Sleep is crucial to our body's ability to fight off disease, to get much needed rest, and to repair our cells and tissues. It resets our bodies for the next whirlwind of activities. Sleep (good sleep) is necessary to keep your body strong. In these uncertain times, we must be proactive with our health and nurture our bodies with restful sleep.

A good sign that you are not getting the sleep you need is that you do not wake up feeling well-rested. You may remember having difficulty falling asleep, sour dreams, tossing and turning, or waking throughout the night. You may find yourself waking in the night and adding things to your to-do list, checking your email, and then going back to sleep. Sleep-working. How about that for a body shouting, "We are under duress! We need better sleep!"

Thankfully, there are a variety of CBD products infused with melatonin, your body's natural sleep hormone, that can help you to get the sleep you need. There are tinctures and softgels, relaxing bath products, and even tasty CBD gummies for sleep.

Why It's Hard to Sleep When You're So Tired

There are so many extra activities during the holidays that keep your body and mind busy. It may be hard at night to wind down from your busy day or to stop checking your naughty list and mentally swimming in wrapping paper, bows, and ornaments. There's extra cleaning to do, recipes to prepare, and an influx of added expenses to consider. Even when your body is aching for sleep, your mind is a powerful thing.

The American Psychological Association (APA) reminds us of the Stress-Sleep Cycle, which works to our detriment when we don't get the sleep we need. When stress goes up, we get less sleep. When we get less sleep, stress goes up. It is best not to get sucked into this ongoing cycle and spoil both our health and our holiday spirit.

We do this by making sleep a priority and taking all the measures we can to get good, restful sleep.

Improve Sleep by Reducing Your Holiday Stress

  • Plan ahead. Procrastination will only add more stress and keep you up at night. Tackle that shopping list early!
  • Avoid the crowds and do your shopping online.
  • Don't slack on your exercise. Even a short walk each day can help to clear the jingle bells going off in your head, keep stress in check, and help your body to regulate a healthy sleep cycle.
  • Avoid unhealthy coping such as overeating and overindulgence in alcohol.
  • Follow a set bedtime - even when you have a ton of things to do. Pick a time to call it quits for the day and begin a relaxing nightly routine. Relaxed preparation for bed can help you fall asleep more easily and sleep more soundly. (This is the perfect time to try our new CBD gummies for sleep!)
  • Say no! Taking on too many things will work you into a holiday frenzy. Keep it simple, and your holidays will go more smoothly.
  • Decorate your home with holiday things that bring you joy. Play some holiday music you love and set aside some downtime for your favorite holiday films.

Supplements like Melatonin and CBD Oil for Sleep

As CBD and sleep research is ongoing and increasing, CBD shows great promise as an aid to relaxation. While it isn't a sedative, CBD can help encourage healthy sleep cycles by working with your body's endocannabinoid system. The CBD for sleep products, including the new CBD gummies for sleep, is infused with melatonin, which is your body's natural hormone that tells it to go to sleep.

Perhaps you are already taking a CBD tincture or CBD gummies as part of your stress-relief routine. But did you know you can add a melatonin-infused CBD oil to your nightly regimen? Or you can swap out your regular CBD gummies in the evening for the new CBD gummies for sleep. This small change may be what you need to relax better in the evenings and fall more easily into a dreamy sleep.

The CBD for sleep tinctures by cbdMD is the CBD PM, winner of the 2020 Product of the Year Award in the CBD Sleep Aid category, a super-impressive testimony to its quality and efficacy. For you, it just means a better night's sleep and a more relaxed holiday season. Even better, it now comes in a higher concentration for those of us who find ourselves sleep-desperate and mentally drained through the holiday season.

Our introduction of a new product - CBD gummies for sleep - is coming soon! These CBD gummies for sleep have been long-awaited by fans of our stress-busting CBD gummies. The new CBD for sleep gummies will come in 750 mg and have a delicious raspberry flavor. They will include sleep and relaxation ingredients that partner with CBD to help you relax and fall asleep. Ingredients such as the previously mentioned melatonin, along with lemon balm extract, chamomile extract, L-theanine, ashwagandha extract, valerian extract, GABA, and our proprietary hemp extract.

Our CBD sleep aid products include:

Other Helpful Sleep Tips

  • Try to stimulate your body's natural melatonin production.
  • Improve your nightly routine to get better sleep.
  • Turn off all the electronics at least an hour before bed. Read a book instead!
  • Cut out stimulants like caffeine and nicotine, especially in the hours before sleep.
  • Do activities that relieve your stress, especially in the evening hours before you go to bed. This could include some soft music, a relaxing bath, your regular CBD evening servings plus one or two tasty CBD gummies for sleep - all working together to help you to sleep much better.

While we can bottle, package, and deliver the best CBD for sleep products, including those exciting new CBD gummies for sleep, there's one thing we cannot do for you. You must be the one to prioritize your own sleep and give yourself the gift of good sleep this holiday season. Work some melatonin and CBD into your nightly routine, unplug from your day, and make getting a good night's sleep a top priority this holiday season.