Japan Exchange Group Inc.

09/22/2022 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/22/2022 00:31

Sep. 22, 2022TSE Public Inspection of Improvement Status Report: OUTSOURCING Inc.

Market News

Sep. 22, 2022 TSEPublic Inspection of Improvement Status Report: OUTSOURCING Inc.


An Improvement Status Report has been made available for public inspection as follows.

1.Company Name OUTSOURCING Inc.
(Code: 2427, Market Segment: Prime Market)
2.Public Inspection Period From Sep. 23, 2022 (Fri.) to Mar. 8, 2027 (Mon.)
Provision Securities Listing Regulations, Rule 505, Paragraph 4
(Public Inspection of Improvement Status Report)
3.Reason for Submission OUTSOURCING Inc. (hereinafter "the Company") disclosed an investigation report of the investigation committee concerning inappropriate accounting processing on Dec. 28, 2021 and disclosed corrections to its past earnings reports on Jan. 14, 2022.
This case was caused by the inadequacy of the Company's organizational structure for appropriately conducting timely disclosure, and improvements were deemed highly necessary. As such, TSE requested the Company to submit a report stating the background of the case and improvement measures ("Improvement Report") on Feb. 22, 2022, and the Company submitted it on Mar. 8, 2022.
As required after six months from the submission of the Improvement Report, the Company has today submitted a report on the status of implementation and operation of the improvement measures contained in said Report ("Improvement Status Report").
  • After submission of the Improvement Status Report, etc. by the Company, it will be made available on the JPX website and through the TDnet database service.
    Improvement Reports, etc. that are currently available for public inspection can be found on the following page of the JPX website (https://www.jpx.co.jp/listing/measures/improvement-reports/index.html) (available only in Japanese).

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Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc. Listing Department, Corporate Disclosure Office, Planning & Coordination, Listed Company Services