POSCO Holdings Inc.

08/12/2022 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 08/12/2022 10:53

Occurrence of Causes for Subsidiary's Dissolution - Form 6-K

Occurrence of Causes for Subsidiary's Dissolution

Subsidiary company POSCO Energy Co., Ltd. 's material business matters to report

1.  Cause for dissolution

Merger between subsidiaries

2.  Details of dissolution

POSCO Energy Co., Ltd. ("POSCO Energy") will be merged with and into POSCO International Co., Ltd. ("POSCO International").

3.  Occurrence (decision) date of dissolution cause


August 12,2022

•   Attendance of outside directors

Present (No.) -
Absent (No.) -

•   Attendance of auditors (members of Audit Committee)


4.  Other matters to be factored into investment decisions

This disclosure is about POSCO HOLDING's subsidiary POSCO Energy's decision on merger and expected merger schedules is as below:

•  Date of board resolution (decision date) and date of conclusion of merger contract : August 12, 2022

•  Scheduled date of shareholders'meeting : November 4, 2022

•  Record date of merger : January 1, 2023

•  Scheduled date of merger registration : January 2, 2023

※ Merger schedule may be subject to change depending on the process of approval of licenses/permits and consultation/approval with relevant authorities under applicable laws and regulations. For more details, please refer to POSCO International and POSCO Energy's disclosure 'Decision on Merger' made on August 12, 2022.