Verde Bio Holdings Inc.

08/12/2022 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 08/12/2022 07:51

New to The Street / Newsmax TV Announces Eight Interviews for This Week's 374th TV Broadcast, Sunday, August 14, 2022, Hour Slot 10-11 AM ET

NEW YORK, Aug. 12, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- FMW Media's New To The Street /Newsmax TV announces the broadcasting line-up of its national syndicated 1- hour TV show this Sunday, August 14, 2022, airing time 10-11 AM ET.

New to The Street TV's 374th show line-up, features the following eight (8) Corporate interviews:

1). PetVivo Holdings, Inc.'s (NASDAQ: PETV) interview with Mr. John Lai, CEO & President.

2). Verde Bio Holdings, Inc.'s (OTCQB: VBHI) interview with Scott Cox, CEO.

3). Tonix Pharmaceuticals, Inc.'s(NASDAQ: TNXP) interview with Dr. Seth Lederman, MD, and CEO.

4). "Unstoppable Women Entrepreneurs Segment" - Integrity Payment Processing, Inc.'s interview with Livia Caudell, CEO.

5). Investment Banking - O'Neill Capital Advisors' interview with Dennis O'Neill, CEO.

6). Sekur Private Data, Ltd.'s (OTCQX: SWISF) (CSE: SKUR) (FRA: GDT0) interview with Mr. Alain Ghiai, CEO.

7). Smart for Life, Inc.'s (NASDAQ: SMFL) interviews with A.J. Cervantes, Chairman / Founder, and Darren Minton, CEO.

8). "Weekly Sekur Privacy & Sekur Security Segment" interview with internet privacy expert Mr. Alain Ghiai, CEO, Sekur Private Data Ltd. (OTCQX: SWISF) (CSE: SKUR) (FRA: GDT0) (Sekur®).

Mr. John Lai, CEO / President, PetVivo Holdings, Inc.(NASDAQ: PETV) (NASDAQ: PETVW), is on today's New to The Street TV show for his in-studio Nasdaq Marketplace interview with TV Host Jane King. PetVivo Holdings, Inc. is a biomedical device company that manufactures, commercializes, and licenses innovative medical devices and therapeutics for companion animals. John provides viewers with his corporate updates regarding PETV's partnership with MWI Animal Health, a leading animal health products and services distributor, and Amerisource Bergen subsidiary. The relationship between PETV and MWI Animal Health continues to mature, creating business synergies. MWI Animal Health generates about $5B in revenues yearly and has a staff of seasoned sales and marketing personnel. Their sales team now markets PETV's injectable patented Spryng with OsteoCushion Technology that treats osteoarthritis and joint afflictions for dogs, horses, and cats. A naturally derived product, Sprying mics collagen tissue that significantly improves animals' afflicted joints. MWI's success comes from educating their veterinarian clients about their drug products, and now they are rolling-out educational videos about Spryng. John says veterinarian schools teach their doctors differently about treating animal osteoarthritis. He feels confident that the videos and other marketing materials can show Spryng successfully treating the bone-on-bone root cause of the disease. is a charitable organization at PETV which donates products to help animal rescue organizations treat dogs, cats, horses, and other animals suffering joint-related afflictions. Any animal care organization can apply for assistance by providing reasons for needing help. John is excited about business progress and looks forward to returning to the show to share further updates. The on-screen QR code is available during the show; download or visit PetVivo Holdings, Inc.- and Spryng with OsteoCushion Technology -

Talking with New to The Street's TV Host Jane King from the New York Stock Exchange Studio, Scott Cox, Chief Executive Officer at Verde Bio Holdings, Inc. (OTCQB: VBHI), explains the acquisition business and managing mineral assets. Verde Bio Holdings, Inc. has royalty and other mineral assets throughout the most significant oil/gas basins in the United States. What is unique about VBHI's business model is that they focus on smaller valued assets that larger companies view as incompatible with their business operations. Scott and his team do the most direct marketing, calling a prospective mineral owner to seek potential acquisitions. Comprehensive marketing to potential investors and property owners is a key to immediate and long-term success. VBHI closed on 18 acquisitions, has 400 interests in wells, and new and pending wells are coming online. With high natural gas and oil prices, VBHI's revenues are growing. But high commodity prices also cause higher acquisition costs. The Company looks forward to up-listing its stock onto a U.S. national exchange and creating accretive long-term value for its shareholders. Management's short-term and long-term goals are to continue to acquire good projects with solid revenue output projects. The on-screen QR code is available during the show; download or visit Verde Bio Holdings, Inc. (OTCQB: VBHI) -

Dr. Seth Lederman, MD, CEO at Tonix Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ: TNXP), a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical Company, returns as a guest on this week's New to The Street TV, Talking with TV Host Jane King from the Nasdaq Marketplace studio, Seth updates viewers about the Company's current operations. Monkeypox is a global problem with over 17,000 cases outside of Africa, and Seth believes that the infection rate is doubling each week. The WHO (World Health Organization) recently declared Monkeypox an international health emergency. For about ten years, Tonix Pharmaceutical continue with the clinical development of TNX-801 live vaccine to prevent Monkeypox and Smallpox. The overwhelming majority of those affected are men who have sex with men ("MSM"). Since Monkeypox is NOT an STD (sexually transmitted disease), other population demographics could catch the virus. Seth informs viewers about the Company's live virus vaccine they are developing to prevent COVID. Unfortunately, current vaccines are not protective enough and have limited durations. Tonix intends to have its COVID vaccine overcome the current marketplace vaccine limitations. The Company opened its new "Advance Development Center" that will manufacture clinical trial supplies for live virus vaccines for both COVID and MonkeyPox. Even with economic short-coming caused by COVID displacement, TNXP opened the new manufacturing center in about 1-year. The facility can respond to President Biden's "American Pandemic Preparedness Plan" (AP3), so Tonix can make, in 100-days, new vaccines to prevent new pathogen infections. Tonix is committed to improving the lives of patients by identifying, researching, and developing promising therapies which have the potential to address unmet needs. Dr. Lederman will come back on a future show with further updates. The on-screen QR code is available during the show; download or visit Tonix Pharmaceuticals, Inc. -

New to The Street's re-airs the"Unstoppable Women Entrepreneurs - Segment," interview with Livia Caudell, CEO at Integrity Payment Processing,Inc. ("Integrity"). In studio at the Nasdaq Marketplace, Livia talks to TV Co-Hosts Jane King and Rhonda Swan about the Company's business model. Integrity assists high-risk businesses like crypto, nutraceuticals, CBD, cannabis, online gaming, and other industries in getting them the best possible percentages when accepting credit cards. Mostly these industries place payment tickets at more than $2500; they are not your typical brick/mortar business. They need unique solutions to ensure seamless transactions when accepting debit/credit card payments. Livia is committed to assisting her clients with the best possible solutions with the lowest possible fees. Her most significant customers are in the cannabis industry, where dispensaries need a safer alternative beyond cash. Taking cards is a limited option for cannabis operators, and Integrity Payment Processing offers them merchant services with several merchant accounts. The payment processing industry is confusing, with many options designed as "bait/switch" to increase merchant costs. Many don't understand their merchant fees and usually accept the percentages charged. Livia's experience in the industry can assist in bringing down fees and gives education to her clients about those fees, eliminating "Junk Fees." Many businesses who use Integrity's merchant services see increases in their bottom lines from reduced cost and sales increases from taking credit/debit cards as alternative payment options beyond just cash. Without a merchant account, a business cannot accept payments from a credit/debit card, and a merchant account is a must in today's growing digital money economy. Integrity Payments Processing, Inc. is a successful woman-owned business helping businesses with merchant accounts. The on-screen QR code is available during the show; download or visit Integrity Payment Processing, Inc. - The "Unstoppable Women Entrepreneurs - Segment" interview with Livia Caudell, CEO at Integrity Payment Processing, Inc., originally aired on July 17, 2022.

New to The Street TV re-airs from the Nasdaq Marketplace studio interview with Mr. Dennis O'Neill, Chief Executive Officer at O'Neill Capital Advisors. Dennis talks with New to The Street TV Host Jane King about O'Neill Capital Advisors, experts in STOs (Security Token Offerings), venture capital, and private equity funding with a focus on blockchain, medical cannabis, and technology industries. With over 30 years in investment and merchant banking, Dennis looks for companies with highly disruptive business products and technologies. They must have successful management to assist in capital raises. O'Neill has over 40,000 high-net individuals and institutional clients who seek exciting investment opportunities. The Company is now opening an office in Singapore, taking advantage of the economic growth throughout S.E. Asia. Singapore is known as the gateway to Asia, a country with a stable economy, great government, and a robust legal system. These qualities are some of the reasons O'Neill opened an office there. The RCEP, known as the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, is a "FREE-Trade" zone with 15 countries; Singapore's membership provides businesses tariff-free access to 1/3 of the world's population within these growing economies. Dennis explains that smaller companies have no real Asian strategy, and he sets forth to help those entities get a foothold in Asia. He believes O'Neill's presence in Singapore can assist U.S. and S.E. Asian entities who would like to expand operations in these areas. In the following months, O'Neill Capital Advisors will assist Asian businesses with public listings in the USA through SPACs -Special Purpose Acquisitions Companies. The on-screen QR code is available during the show; download or visit O'Neill Capital Advisors - The interview originally aired on August 7, 2022.

Mr. Alain Ghiai, CEO at Sekur Private Data, Ltd. (OTCQX: SWISF) (CSE: SKUR) (FRA: GDT0), talks to New to The Street TV Host Jane King about the Company's Sekur® solutions that ensure private emails, text messages, and other private communication products designed to prevent hacks. During these summer months, Alain explains how Sekur is working to bring multiple data centers, other technological infrastructures, and products online. Sekur Document Management and SekurMail/SekurMessenger apps are currently or soon available. The latest data centers allow for about 50X faster transmission rates and now can handle two million subscribers on SekurMessenger and around 200,000 on SekurMail. The "Chat-by Invite" feature on SekurMessenger is now available in 25 countries. The features allow a Sekur Subscriber to text message anyone in these countries. The recipient gets a message that opens a secure channel for text messaging. The encryptions protect the recipient, even if not a subscriber. At the end of the text, the sender can remotely terminate the transmission and delete the text records. Also, the "Chat-by-Invite" feature is available with all SekurMail subscriptions. Alain told viewers that the Company's July sales numbers were historical, the best on record, and he expects similar results in August. The Company can accept seven different currencies a subscriber can use to pay for services. Using Sekur® with its proprietary HeliX technology and other encryption solutions can eliminate hacks. With no request for phone numbers, no open-source platforms, no Microsoft Office 360, no shared servers, and Sekur never sells or mines data, Sekur Private Date, Ltd. can offer a variety of cybersecurity solutions for a monthly fee. As an added protection to subscribers, Sekur Private Data, Ltd. operates its internet platforms and security businesses under the country of Switzerland's very tough privacy laws. The on-screen Q.R. code is available during the show to download more info or visit Sekur Private Data, Ltd. - and

New to The Street TV re-airs the in-studio Nasdaq Marketplace interviews with A.J. Cervantes, Chairman/ Founder, and Darren Minton, CEO at Smart for Life, Inc. (NASDAQ: SMFL). Smart for Life, Inc., a Nasdaq public company, is a global leader, developer, and marketer of nutrition and health/wellness products. A.J. Cervantes explains the many different health and wellness products produced at two California manufacturing locations. As an entity focusing on health and wellness, A.J. continues to look for opportunities in this space to acquire other product operations, including vitamins, supplements, sports nutrition offerings, health bars, and functional foods with profitable businesses. His strategy is to build a $100M revenue run rate through strategic acquisitions, all operating under Smart for Life, Inc. Darren Minton, the CEO, tells viewers about Smart for Life, Inc.'s brand awareness and the Company's focus on acquiring larger entities. Smart for Life products sells at Costco, Walmart, Amazon, and directly online from the Company. Also, Smart for Life creates private label products, and Darren gives examples of such branded products currently in the market. Many of Smart for Life's private label products are available in N. America, S. America, Europe, and Asia. Over the next 12 months, the Company believes it can close on more acquisitions, increase investor awareness, and launch comprehensive marketing campaigns. The on-screen QR code is available during the show; download or visit Smart for Life, Inc. (NASDAQ: SMFL) - The interview originally aired on August 7, 2022.

The "Weekly Sekur Privacy & Sekur Security Segment" with internationally acclaimed internet privacy expert Mr. Alain Ghiai, CEO, Sekur Private Data Ltd. (OTCQX: SWISF) (CSE: SKUR) (FRA: GDT0) (Sekur®), talks with New to The Street TV Host / Multi-media Journalist Ana Berry. This week's hack event focuses on phishing campaigns disguised as legitimate entities like FedEx, American Express, Microsoft, and other prominent brand names. Alain states that this is the season for these hack attempts because of summertime travels and other worldwide cyclical events. Alain recommends that if you believe something is suspicious, take a minute, look at the email trail, and do some due diligence before clicking a link or answering the email. If it looks suspicious, it is probably an attempt to hack your data. For the best possible protections, become a subscriber to's private communication services. Your private data, bank account, and other sensitive information are sent and received through SekurSend/SekurReply encrypted features. The big tech open platforms are free to use, collect, share, and sell data and offer limited protections. Recently, a subscriber used their SekurMail account and sent an email blast to big-tech platform email owners; the big-tech platform flagged's domain. In turn, Sekur canceled the subscriber's account. Sekur offers a closed-loop secure encrypted platform where you can send 20 emails simultaneously. Because the Company operates in Switzerland, privacy rules are very tough. Sekur Private Data owns and controls its servers. They never ask for phone numbers, never collect, or sell data, never data mine, never store biometrics, never logs I.P. addresses, and never use 3rd party software/hardware providers. Subscribers can use PROMO Code: SEKUR15 for a 15% savings. The on-screen Q.R. code is available during the show; download or visit Sekur Private Data, Ltd. -"What is your privacy worth?"

About PetVivo Holdings, Inc.:

PetVivo Holdings Inc. (NASDAQ: PETV) is an emerging biomedical device company focused on manufacturing, commercializing, and licensing innovative medical devices and therapeutics for companion animals. The Company's strategy is to leverage human therapies for treating companion animals cost effectively and time-efficiently. A key component of this strategy is the accelerated timeline to revenues for veterinary medical devices, which enter the market much earlier than more stringently regulated pharmaceuticals and biologics. PetVivo has a pipeline of seventeen products for the treatment of animals and people. A portfolio of nineteen patents protects the Company's biomaterials, products, production processes, and methods of use. The Company's lead product SPRYNG with OsteoCushion technology, a veterinarian-administered, intraarticular injection for the management of lameness and other joint-related afflictions, including osteoarthritis, in dogs and horses, is currently available for commercial sale -

About Verde Bio Holdings, Inc. (OTCQB: VBHI):

Verde Bio Holdings, Inc. (OTCQB: VBHI) is an Energy Company based in Frisco, Texas, engaged in the acquisition and management of Mineral and Royalty interests in lower-risk, onshore oil and gas properties within the major oil and gas plays in the U.S. The Company's dual-focused growth strategy relies primarily on leveraging management's expertise to grow through the strategic acquisition of revenue-producing royalty interests and strategic and opportunistic non-operated working interests -

About Tonix Pharmaceuticals Holding Corp. (NASDAQ: TNXP):

Tonix Pharmaceuticals Holding Corp. (NASDAQ: TNXP) is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on discovering, licensing, acquiring, and developing small molecules and biologics to treat and prevent human disease and alleviate suffering. Tonix's portfolio comprises immunology, rare disease, infectious disease, and central nervous system (CNS) product candidates. Tonix's immunology portfolio includes biologics to address organ transplant rejection, autoimmunity, and cancer. TNX-15001 is a humanized monoclonal antibody targeting CD40-ligand in development to prevent allograft and xenograft rejection and treat autoimmune diseases. A Phase 1 study of TNX-1500 is expected to be initiated in the second half of 2022. Tonix's rare disease portfolio includes TNX-29002 for the treatment of Prader-Willi syndrome. The FDA has granted TNX-2900 Orphan-Drug Designation. Tonix's infectious disease pipeline consists of a vaccine in development to prevent smallpox and monkeypox called TNX-8013, next-generation vaccines to prevent COVID-19, and an antiviral to treat COVID-19. Tonix's lead vaccine candidates for COVID-19 are TNX-1840 and TNX-18504, live virus vaccines based on Tonix's recombinant pox vaccine (RPV) platform. TNX-35005 (sangivamycin, i.v. solution) is a small molecule antiviral drug to treat acute COVID-19 and is in the pre-IND stage of development. TNX-102 SL, (cyclobenzaprine HCl sublingual tablets) is a small molecule drug being developed to treat Long COVID, a chronic post-acute COVID-19 condition. Tonix expects to initiate a Phase 2 study in Long COVID in the second quarter of 2022. The Company's CNS portfolio includes small molecules and biologics to treat pain, neurologic, psychiatric and addiction conditions. Tonix's lead CNS candidate, TNX-102 SL, is in mid-Phase 3 development to manage fibromyalgia, with a new Phase 3 study launched in the second quarter of 2022. Finally, TNX-13006 is a biologic designed to treat cocaine intoxication that is expected to start a Phase 2 trial in the second quarter of 2022 - (1TNX-1500 is an investigational new biologic at the pre-IND stage of development and has not been approved for any indication.2TNX-2900 is an investigational new drug at the pre-IND stage of development and has not been approved for any indication.3TNX-801 is a live horsepox virus vaccine for percutaneous administration in development to protect against smallpox and monkeypox. TNX-801 is an investigational new biologic and has not been approved for any indication.4TNX-1840 and TNX-1850 are live horsepox virus vaccines for percutaneous administration, in development to protect against COVID-19. TNX-1840 and TNX-1850 are designed to express the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein from the omicron and BA.2 variants, respectively. TNX-1840 and TNX-1850 are investigational new biologics at the pre-IND stage of development and have not been approved for any indication. 5TNX-3500 is an investigational new drug at the pre-IND stage of development and has not been approved for any indication.6TNX-1300 is an investigational new biologic and has not been approved for any indication.)

About Integrity Payment Processing, Inc.:

Integrity Payment Processing, Inc. offers the lowest rates and has 5-star customer service with 100% transparency in prices/fees, no application fees, and no integration fees. They understand that each customer has its own unique business and that a standard merchant account is inadequate for their business operations. The electronic payment industry is not a one-solution-fits-all industry. Integrity Payment Processing, Inc. works hard to understand its clients' unique payment processing needs and customizes the best solutions for growth. Integrity Payment Processing is the premier payment solutions company that excels in tailoring solutions to the cannabis industry -

About O'Neill Capital Advisors:

O'Neill Capital Advisors helps companies raise institutional capital through Security Token Offerings (STOs) or venture capital. The private network currently has over 40,000 investors and consists of family offices, ultra-high-net individuals, hedge funds, money managers, venture capital and private equity/venture capital funds, crypto funds, and sovereign wealth funds. O'Neill Capital Advisors' reputation and relationships allow institutional investors to take a company's project seriously. Their experience, reputation, and relationships provide 3rd party credibility and validation for highly sophisticated investors. The network is global with significant strength in Europe, Asia, and UAE -

About Sekur Private Data Ltd. (OTCQX: SWISF) (CSE: SKUR) (FRA: GDT0):

Sekur Private Data, Ltd. (OTCQX: SWISF) (CSE: SKUR) (FRA: GDT0)is a Cybersecurity and Internet privacy provider of Swiss-hosted solutions for secure communications and secure data management. The Company distributes encrypted emails, secure messengers, secure communication tools, secure cloud-based storage, disaster recovery, and document management products. The Company sells and serves consumers, businesses, and governments worldwide through approved wholesalers, distributors, and telecommunications companies. Contact Sekur Private Data, Ltd. at [email protected] or visit and

About Smart for Life, Inc. (NASDAQ: SMFL).

Smart for Life, Inc. (NASDAQ: SMFL) is engaged in the development, marketing, manufacturing, acquisition, operation, and sale of a broad spectrum of nutritional and related products with an emphasis on Health & Wellness. Structured as a publicly held global holding company, the Company is executing a buy-and-build strategy with serial accretive acquisitions creating a vertically integrated company with an objective of aggregating companies generating a minimum of $300 million in revenues within the next thirty-six months. Smart for Life is developing proprietary products and acquiring other profitable companies, encompassing brands, manufacturing, and distribution channels to drive growth and earnings. The Company currently operates five subsidiaries, including Doctors Scientific Organica, Nexus Offers, Bonne Santé Natural Manufacturing, GSP Nutrition and Ceautamed Worldwide. For more information about Smart for Life, please visit:

About FMW Media:

FMW Media operates one of the longest-running U.S. and International sponsored and Syndicated Nielsen Rated programming TV brands, "New to The Street" and its blockchain show "Exploring The Block." Since 2009, these brands have run biographical interview segment shows across major U.S. Television networks. The paid-for-TV programming platforms can potentially reach over 540 million homes in the U.S. and international markets. FMW's New to The Street / Newsmax TV broadcasting platform airs its syndication on Sundays at 10 -11 AM ET. FMW is also one of the nation's largest buyers of linear television, long and short-form paid programming - &

Forward-Looking Statements Disclaimer:

This press release contains forward-looking statements within Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by the following words: "anticipate," "believe," "continue," "could," "estimate," "expect," "intend," "may," "ongoing," "plan," "potential," "predict," "project," "should," "will," "would," or the negative of these terms or other comparable terminology. However, not all forward-looking statements contain these words. Forward-looking statements are not a guarantee of future performance or results and will not necessarily be accurate indications of the times at which such performance or results are achieved. This press release should be considered in all filings of the Companies contained in the Edgar Archives of the Securities and Exchange Commission at


FMW Media Contacts:

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+1 (631) 766-7462
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New to The Street TV's 374th show line-up features: 1). PetVivo Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ: PETV) 2). Verde Bio Holdings, Inc. (OTCQB: VBHI) 3). Tonix Pharmaceuticals, Inc.(NASDAQ: TNXP) 4). "Unstoppable Women Entrepreneurs Segment" - Integrity Payment Processing, Inc. 5). Investment Banking - O'Neill Capital Advisors 6). Sekur Private Data, Ltd. (OTCQX: SWISF) (CSE: SKUR) (FRA: GDT0) 7). Smart for Life, Inc.(NASDAQ: SMFL) 8). "Weekly Sekur Privacy & Sekur Security Segment" - Sekur Private Data Ltd. (OTCQX: SWISF) (CSE: SKUR) (FRA: GDT0) (Sekur®).