Office of the President of the Republic of Slovenia

11/17/2022 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 11/17/2022 08:37

Predsednik Pahor se je udeležil foruma Crans Montana v Ženevi

Ženeva, Švica, 17. 11. 2022 | sporočila za javnost, govori

Predsednik Republike Slovenije Borut Pahor se je danes, 17. novembra 2022 udeležil foruma Crans Montana v Ženevi.

Tema tokratnega foruma Crans Montana je "prenova družbenega, gospodarskega in varnostnega ravnovesja". V okviru foruma je potekalo plenarno zasedanje in več tematskih panelnih razprav v iskanju odgovorov na aktualna vprašanja zagotavljanja mednarodnega miru in varnosti.

Predsednik Borut Pahor se je udeležil plenarne razprave in nastopil na panelu o prehranski varnosti, kjer je izpostavil aktualno prehransko krizo in predstavil aktivnosti Slovenije za njeno reševanje.

V okviru udeležbe na forumu bo predsednik Pahor opravil več pogovorov z namenom zagotovitve podpore kandidaturi Slovenije za nestalno članico Varnostnega sveta OZN za obdobje 2024-2025.

Predsednik Pahor je od leta 2021 sopredsednik častnega odbora Svetovne diplomatske akademije, World Diplomatic Academy. Svetovna diplomatska akademija, WDA, katere ustanovitelj je Forum Crans Montana, ima 35-letno tradicijo prizadevanja za mir in sodelovanje, preprečevanje konfliktov in trajnostni razvoj. Predsednik Pahor je imenovanje prejel ob obisku v Luksemburgu, na posebni svečanosti v vojvodski palači, saj je njegov sopredsednik luksemburški princ Jean de Nassau.

Forum Crans Montana je nevladna mednarodna organizacija, ustanovljena leta 1986. Sodi med vodilne mednarodne ustanove, posvečene javno-zasebnemu sodelovanju. Poslanstvo foruma je graditi boljši svet. Tesno sodeluje z vladami, specializiranimi organi, mednarodnimi in regionalnimi organizacijami kot so OZN, UNESCO, UNIDO, FAO, Evropska unija, Evropska komisija, Svet Evrope, OFID, in s številnimi nevladnimi organizacijami. Forum pripravlja več dogodkov letno, v različnih državah. Odločevalci iz okoli sto držav se srečujejo z namenom razprave o političnih, družbenih, gospodarskih in varnostnih izzivih našega časa.

Foto: UPRS

Besedilo govora predsednika Pahorja v angleškem jeziku (Velja govorjena beseda!)

Mr Carteron, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am concerned by the increase in global food insecurity. Much of the global population currently face a cost-of -living crisis with serious implications for food security. Russia's invasion of Ukraine has aggravated the situation that was already fragile due to COVID pandemic. These unique circumstances require us to act decisively. We need to accelerate the holistic and sustainable transformation of agrifood systems.

I have participated in COP27. I expect the COP27 to reconfirm our common commitment to limit global warming to 1,5 C. We hope COP27 will reach a consensus on funding arrangements for loss and damage.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

We cannot think about food security out of the context of climate change. Food security goes hand in with protection of environment. In food production, we need both - more efficient measures to prevent further global warming, and we need better adaptation to already existing change of climate. Food security is much linked with biodiversity. In couple of weeks, there will be a Biodiversity COP15.

I call for much more orchestrated efforts to halt a biodiversity loss, land to reverse the trend. Pollinators play one of the key roles in preserving biodiversity. World Bee Day, proclaimed on initiative of Slovenia from five years ago, highlights the importance of bees and other pollinators for global food security. Apart from awareness raising initiatives, such as the World Bee Day, Slovenia knows it has to be more solidary with other countries.

We also need to be more efficient at home - Slovenia is a green country, we have beautiful nature, plenty of fresh drinking water - we even inscribe a right to clean drinking water in our constitution. But we could and must do more; in particular on food waste, and better adaptation to more and more extreme weather conditions we face.

Global agenda always starts in our homes. One third of our primary schools have qualified for the status of eco-schools - the project we established already in 1996. This internationally recognised program integrates environmental education and training, with an aim to increase awareness of sustainable development among children. We stimulate primary school children to discover their local culinary traditions, learning about healthy meals from local food suppliers. We are pleased that in October this year our children had a chance to cook at FAO Headquarters during the World Food Forum.

Food systems are key to achieving Sustainable Development Goals. We are fully aware of the magnitude of the current food crisis. In the past three years, Slovenia has tripled its contribution to global food security. We support activities of the World Food Programme, FAO and humanitarian NGOs in Yemen, Afghanistan, Sahel, Horn of Africa and Uganda. Additional increases are planned for 2023 and 2024.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

None of the global challenges we face, can be solved by individual countries alone. We need more cooperation, and we need effective multilateralism. Slovenia is a candidate for a non-permanent seat of the UN Security Council, 2024/25. We will listen to everyone, and co-create a better and safer world.