Department of the Taoiseach

05/05/2022 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 05/05/2022 02:26

Process for the Nomination of Persons by the Government to the Office of President of the High Court

Arising from the forthcoming retirement of the current President of the High Court, the Government has established a process for the nomination of a person to be appointed as President of the High Court by the President.

A non-statutory Advisory Committee has been set up to invite and consider expressions of interest in the position of President of the High Court and to make recommendations for consideration by the Government. The Committee comprises:

  • The Hon. Mr. Justice Donal O'Donnell, Chief Justice;
  • Ms Jane Williams, Sia Partners;
  • Mr. Paul Gallagher SC, Attorney General.

Expressions of interest are invited from persons eligible in accordance with Section 5 of the Courts (Supplemental Provisions) Act 1961, as amended.

The expression of interest should be accompanied by a statement (maximum 1,500 words) specifically addressing how the candidate meets each of the selection criteria set out below and by a medical report demonstrating that the person is suitable on the grounds of health to fulfil the duties of President of the High Court. Candidates should be available for interview if required by the Committee.

Eligible persons interested in appointment to the position of President of the High Court should submit an expression of interest to:

Mr. Dermot Woods

Assistant Secretary General to the Government

Government Buildings

Upper Merrion Street

Dublin 2

D02 R583

The deadline for submission of expressions of interest is 1 p.m. on 16 May 2022.

Selection Criteria for President of the High Court

Legal Skills/Administration of Justice

  • Has demonstrated a very high level of intellectual, legal and analytical ability.
  • Has an established record of adjudicating in significant cases and has the ability to manage other judges required to hear the range of cases dealt with by the High Court including very complex and high profile cases.
  • Has a thorough understanding of the interaction of the legislative, executive and judicial organs of government, the role of the Superior Courts in the administration of justice and their place internationally.
  • Has a comprehensive understanding of the impact of law in a modern and diverse society.
  • Has demonstrated an ability to explain complex legal issues and the reasoned basis for Court decisions.

Leadership and Management

  • Possesses the ability to lead the High Court and to provide strategic direction to inspire confidence and command the respect of the Judiciary, the professions, Courts Service officials, Government and the public.
  • Possesses the ability to play a leadership role in the Courts Service, the Judicial Council and within the Judiciary.
  • Possesses the ability to promote the effectiveness and efficiency of the judicial system, including the embracing of technology, and the capacity to lead change and modernisation in the High Court.

Personal Qualities

  • Has demonstrated integrity, independence of mind and an ability to work collaboratively and collegially.
  • Possesses very good communication skills.
  • Has displayed very good judgment and an ability to work under pressure.