WPS - Wisconsin Physicians Service Insurance Corporation

10/28/2021 | News release | Distributed by Public on 10/28/2021 07:08

Rising trends in depression calls for more screenings

Rising trends in depression calls for more screenings

Jason Hall Men's Health | Wellness | Women's Health
Oct 28th, 2021 5 minute read

You may have seen recent headlines like:

  • "Depression triples in U.S. adults amid COVID-19 stressors"
  • "Mental health needs rise with the pandemic"
  • "Students in great need of mental health support"

Health care providers are seeing a trend: a recent upswing in individuals suffering from depression and anxiety.

The U.S. Census Bureau reportsthat a third of American adults now show signs of clinical anxiety and depression amid the COVID-19 pandemic. This makes screening for depression more essential than ever.

Depression screenings

At your next primary care appointment, they may ask you to fill out a questionnaire screening for signs of depression. Your health care provider may ask you a series of questions about your moods, feelings, sleep habits, and other mental health topics.

A Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) is one such survey. It offers primary care practitioners a tool to help detect and assess patients for early signs of depression and anxiety. Like screenings for other illnesses, depression screenings should be a routine part of your health care appointment. For a provider, it helps evaluate the mental health and full well-being of a patient beyond just their physical symptoms.

The type of questions you may see

Typically, providers screen adults and adolescents (12 years and older). The screening takes less than three minutes. It's useful in diagnosing depression and its severity. You can expect these nine questions:

  1. Do you have little interest or pleasure in doing things?
  2. Are you feeling down, depressed, or hopeless?
  3. Do you have trouble falling or staying asleep or sleeping too much?
  4. Are you feeling tired or having little energy?
  5. Do you have a poor appetite or overeating?
  6. Are you feeling bad about yourself, or that you are a failure or have let yourself or your family down?
  7. Do you have trouble concentrating on things, such as reading the newspaper or watching TV?
  8. Do you move or speak so slowly that other people could notice? Or so fidgety or restless that you have been moving a lot more than usual?
  9. Have you had thoughts that you would be better off dead or thoughts of hurting yourself in some way?

When reviewing these questions, the choices available are:

  • Not at all
  • Several days
  • More than half the days
  • Nearly every day

These questions may seem simple, but they can be crucial in reaching individuals who might not otherwise seek professional medical advice.

Depression screenings don't equal a direct diagnosis

"It is essential to be honest with your responses. Your responses serve as a starting point or a guide to your provider," says Dr. Robert Kettler, Medical Director for WPS Government Health Administrators. A diagnosis rarely comes from the screening alone. A provider will look at the number of symptoms, the frequency, and each symptom's duration when making a diagnosis. The provider will also rule out other conditions.

Should you receive a diagnosis of depression, these questions can also help monitor your progress. It is not a one-time test. The situation and symptoms may change over time. This means your responses may change as well.

Shining a light on mental health

"Increasing screening will allow our providers to identify those patients who need help more quickly," Dr. Kettler continued. "It is also important to note that if a patient is concerned about depression, the patient should raise the issue with the provider and not wait for the survey.

"In identifying these symptoms sooner, we will see significant changes in our health care system and patient outcomes. In addition, talking about mental health concerns can bring the silent illness into the light to continue to eliminate the stigma that still exists around the topic."

At WPS, we understand that mental health isn't always an easy subject to talk about, even in the best of circumstances. We know the scarcity of mental health resources and assistance is another hurdle for many people. Our Medicare supplement insurance plan customers have access to healthy aging coaching sessions to discuss topics like mental well-being and isolation. Request a free information kit here.

We have other mental health resources available

Now you know more about depression screenings and how crucial they are to promoting mental health. Don't hesitate to talk to your primary care practitioner about your feelings and mental well-being.

(This material is not intended as medical advice. Talk with your doctor about this or any other subjects pertinent to your health.)

The intent of this advertisement is solicitation of insurance, and contact may be made by the insurer or a licensed agent. Neither Wisconsin Physicians Service Insurance Corporation, nor its agents, nor products are connected with the federal Medicare program.

Wellness programs are not part of the insurance policy, are offered at no additional charge, and can be changed or discontinued at any time. Fitness and wellness programs are not included with Medicare supplement cost-sharing plans (Plans K and L).


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