JB Financial Group Co. Ltd.

04/19/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 04/19/2024 01:17

Decision on Closure of Shareholder’s Registry(Including Record Date) for Dividends

Decision on Closure of Shareholder's Registry(Including Record Date) for Dividends
Subsidiary company (주)전북은행 's material business matters to report
1. Category of dividends Interim(quarterly)dividend
2. Closure period (record date) Start date -
End date -
Record date 2024-04-18
3. Purpose for closure (or fixing record date) Determining the shareholders entitled to dividends
4. Date of board resolution (decision date) 2024-04-18
- Attendance of outside directors Present (No.) 4
Absent (No.) -
- Attendance of auditors (members of Audit Committee who are not outside directors) Present
5. Other matters to be factored into investment decisions - 상기 공시사항은 자회사인 (주)전북은행이 지주회사인 (주)JB금융지주에 중간배당하는 내용입니다.

※ 자회사의 주요경영사항에 관한 공시

- 자회사명 : (주)전북은행
- 자산총액비중 : 34.2% (2023년말 기준)
※ Related disclosure -