ISED - Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada

05/19/2022 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 05/19/2022 15:58

The governments of Canada and British Columbia announce up to $108 million in funding to improve high-speed Internet and mobile connectivity

The governments of Canada and British Columbia announce up to $108 million in funding to improve high-speed Internet and mobile connectivity

From: Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada


Today, the Honourable Gudie Hutchings, Minister of Rural Economic Development, together with the Honourable Lisa Beare, British Columbia Minister of Citizens' Services, announced up to $108 million in combined federal and provincial funding to bring high-speed Internet access to up to 14,000 households and mobile connectivity to seven communities in rural British Columbia, including First Nations communities.

May 19, 2022 - Ottawa, Ontario

On May 19, 2022, the Honourable Gudie Hutchings, Minister of Rural Economic Development, together with the Honourable Lisa Beare, British Columbia Minister of Citizens' Services, announced up to $108 million in combined federal and provincial funding to bring high-speed Internet access and mobile connectivity to rural communities throughout British Columbia, including First Nations communities.

The communities that will benefit from improved Internet speeds include:

Communities that will benefit from improved Internet speeds
  • Appledale
  • Baynes Lake
  • Blaeberry
  • Boothroyd
  • Bridge River
  • Burton
  • Carrolls Landing
  • Cayoose Creek
  • Cheslatta Carrier Nation
  • Chetwynd
  • Crawford Bay
  • Danskin
  • Dease Lake
  • Decker Lake
  • Dokie Siding
  • Donald
  • Elko
  • Erie
  • Fauquier
  • Field
  • Fort Fraser
  • Fort Steele
  • Galiano Island
  • Gillies Bay
  • Gitwinksihlkw (Nisga'a Village of Gitwinksihlkw)
  • Grasmere
  • Grassy Plains
  • Hagwilget (Hagwilget Village)
  • Hall
  • Harrogate
  • Hills
  • Holberg
  • Iskut
  • Kanaka Bar
  • Keats Island
  • Kootenay Bay
  • Kragmont
  • Kyuquot (Ka:'yu:'k't'h'/Che:k:tles7et'h' First Nations)
  • Laxgalts'ap (Nisga'a Village of Laxgalts'ap)
  • Lebahdo
  • Lemon Creek
  • Lillooet
  • Lower Hat Creek 2 (Bonaparte)
  • Lytton
  • Mapes
  • Mahatta River
  • Mayook
  • Meadowbrook
  • Meadows
  • McLeod Lake
  • Nadleh Whuten
  • Nass Camp
  • Nee-Tahi-Buhn
  • Nelway
  • New Aiyansh (Nisga'a Village of New Aiyansh)
  • New Brighton
  • Nisga'a Village of Gingolx
  • New Hazelton
  • Nicomen
  • Nulki
  • Park Siding
  • Parson
  • Passmore
  • Pavilion (Ts'kw'aylaxw First Nation)
  • Perrys
  • Rosebery
  • Round Lake
  • Saik'uz First Nation
  • Saturna
  • Seton Lake
  • Seton Portage
  • Shalalth (Tsal'alh)
  • Silverton
  • Siska
  • Skin Tyee
  • Skookumchuck
  • Skuppah
  • Slocan Park
  • Southbank
  • South Shalalth
  • Spillimacheen
  • Spuzzum
  • Stellat'en First Nation
  • Summit Lake
  • Sweetwater
  • Ta Ta Creek
  • Tatalrose
  • Telegraph Cove
  • Tie Lake
  • T'it'q'et
  • Tobacco Plains
  • Ts'kw'aylaxw
  • Twidwell Bend
  • Upper Hat Creek 1 (Bonaparte)
  • Vallican
  • Van Anda
  • Wabi Hill
  • Walkers
  • Wardner
  • Wet'suwet'en Village (Wet'suwet'en First Nation)
  • Winlaw
  • Winter Harbour
  • Wynndel
  • Xaxli'p
  • Ymir

The communities that will benefit from improved mobile connectivity include:

communities that will benefit from improved mobile connectivity
  • Gitwinksihlkw (Nisga'a Village of Gitwinksihlkw)
  • Laxgalts'ap (Nisga'a Village of Laxgalts'ap)
  • Nass Camp
  • New Aiyansh (Nisga'a Village of New Aiyansh)
  • Nisga'a Village of Gingolx
  • Nooaitch
  • Shackan