City of London

11/16/2021 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 11/16/2021 08:21

City of London Corporation approves 24-storey office tower as developer confidence in the Square Mile soars

The City of London Corporation has approved plans for a 24-storey office-led development on Houndsditch in the Eastern Cluster, the seventh tall building to be approved this year.

The Planning and Transportation Committee backed Brockton Everlast's scheme, designed by architects AHMM, which offers more than 56,500 sqm of office space as well as flexible retail/café space, community space, basement cycle parking and new public realm.

The office areas are flexible and adaptable, specifically designed to meet new ways of working and to meet the demands of different types of business occupiers including incubators, start-ups and SMEs. Incubator space will be provided on floors one and two, including 23 desk spaces which will be let at 50% of market rate. One retail unit will be available at 60% of market rate.

The development has a strong focus on sustainability with the proposals aiming to reduce operational carbon emissions by 44% (when compared to a Building Regulations compliant building) and reducing whole life carbon emissions.

It also includes thermal stores to retain heat for use during colder months with a heat exchange scheme to share the excess waste heat, which cannot be stored, with the neighbouring Middlesex Street Estate.

The development also includes ambitious urban greening including green walls and various landscaped terraces and balconies for office occupiers. Pavements around the site will be widened and there will be extensive landscaping and greening to the new public realm, enhancing the vibrancy of Petticoat Lane Market and improving connectivity to the Eastern Cluster with areas to the north and east.

A flexible community space offering, with rooms for social spaces and learning programmes with a focus on gardening and urban greening, will be free to access for community groups, charities and schools.

The scheme also promotes sustainable travel and incorporates facilities for cyclists with 948 long stay and 33 short stay cycle parking spaces as well as facilities such as showers, lockers and for bicycle repairs.

Chair of the City Corporation's Planning and Transportation Committee, Alastair Moss, said:

"115-123 Houndsditch is the seventh office-led tall building scheme to secure planning permission in the Square Mile this calendar year.

"This is not only an unprecedented number of major developments to come for decision, but it also clearly illustrates the enduring strength of the office market in the City of London and unwavering confidence from developers.

"With ambitious sustainability credentials, a focus on occupier well-being and offering in-demand flexible office floorspace for all variety of business, this development on Houndsditch will be an exemplar of the future of the Square Mile."

Development Director at Brockton Everlast, Richard Berry, said:

"We designed a new building of the highest architectural quality to provide a twenty first century workplace, putting health, wellness and sustainability first.

"By reimagining the entire experience to introduce new trees, expanded pavements, inclusive retail and community spaces that spill out to redefine and animate Cutler Street, we can help revitalise this unique pocket of the City.

"This scheme has been designed from the start with a relentless focus on carbon reduction. We tasked the architects to create an exceptional and sustainable design - one that delivers a vastly improved operational carbon footprint as part of our goal to future-proof the building for the next generation of net-zero occupiers.

"We are therefore delighted by today's decision by the City of London Corporation's Planning & Transportation Committee, which will help to achieve the transformative step-change to the area in line with the City Corporation's exciting ambitions."


Notes to Editors:

The other tall buildings to have been approved by the City of London Corporation's Planning and Transportation Committee so far this year are:

About the City of London Corporation
The City of London Corporation is the governing body of the Square Mile dedicated to a vibrant and thriving City, supporting a diverse and sustainable London within a globally-successful

About Brockton Everlast
Brockton Everlast is a property investment company formed in 2018 focused on delivering high-quality office buildings in central London.
The approach the company takes is captured in the name Brockton Everlast: they buy buildings for ever. It has five office buildings in central locations in London, Oxford and Cambridge, with decades of experience working in London across its senior team.

Shani Annand-Baron
Media Officer, City of London Corporation
[email protected] or 07710 860885