STF - Supremo Tribunal Federal

12/02/2021 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 12/02/2021 14:22

Rede sued the STF to demand proof of vaccination from travellers arriving in Brazil

Rede sued the STF to demand proof of vaccination from travellers arriving in Brazil

Rede Sustentabilidade party filed, at the Supreme Federal Court (STF), with the Argument of Violation of Fundamental Precept (ADPF 913) in which it asks the federal government to adopt the measures recommended by the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) for entry into the country, with the requirement to present proof of vaccination or mandatory quarantine for travellers. The action was distributed to Justice Luis Roberto Barroso.

02/12/2021 17:21:24- Atualizado há

In the lawsuit, Rede refers to the technical note published by Anvisa last 12/11, containing technical recommendations and alerts on the epidemiological scenario of covid-19 for analysis by the ministers of the Chief of Staff, Health, Justice and Public Safety and Infrastructure. The agency suggests that the restrictions on cross-border mobility by land and air should be reviewed, due to the new variants of coronavirus and the evolution of vaccination.

The Ordinance 658, in force since 5/10/2021, requires, as requirements for entry into the country by air, only the presentation of screening test for infection with negative or non-detectable results and the Traveler's Health Declaration, through which he expresses agreement with the sanitary measures that must be complied during the period in Brazil.

For the Rede party, the requirement to present proof of vaccination is essential and urgent, to prevent Brazil from becoming a preferred destination for tourists and travellers not vaccinated. According to the party, although the recommendations of Anvisa have been made several days ago, the federal government has not adopted new sanitary control measures that, in its view, would be appropriate for the protection of the health of the Brazilian population. "The omission occurs even in face of the proximity of festive events and the tourist season, which admittedly attract thousands of foreign travellers to Brazil," he argues.


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