China Southern Airlines Company Ltd.

06/14/2022 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 06/14/2022 07:39



Dear Passengers:

In order to create a safe flight environment, safeguard the passengers 'health and ensure smooth flight to China, Southern Airlines flight from Kuala Lumpur to Guangzhou would implement 5 nights Hotel Stay Pre-boarding Quarantine Management for all passengers of China Southern Airlines starting from 8th July 2022. The relevant protocols are hereby notified as follows:

1. Quarantine Management Arrangement

(1) Within 21 days before Departure, prior to Pre-boarding Quarantine Management, China Southern Airlines and/or its authorized Agent(s) would notify passengers of the Pre-boarding Quarantine Management via telephone, mobile short message, email and etc, as such passengers are required to furnish the latest contact details to ensure smooth flight, in this regard, passengers are hereby urged to immediately contact the China Southern Airlines Sales Department to ascertain passengers' latest contact details ( at enquiries email address: [email protected]) .

(2) To ensure a healthy and safety international flight and pre-boarding quarantine management, passengers are required to undergo the Nucleic Acid (RT-PCR) test on the 6th day before Departure at the medical institution designated by the Embassy ("the Designated Medical Institution")(e.g., if the departure date is on 8 th July, the Nucleic Acid (RT-PCR) sampling date will be on 2nd July, and sampling before 12:00 pm is preferred ).

(3) On the 5th day before Departure, Passengers are required to check-in to the designated Quarantine Management hotel ("Hotel") between 2.30p.m - 7.30p.m with the above mentioned Nucleic Acid (RT-PCR) test report. Passengers who could fulfil the check-in requirements for pre-departure Quarantine Management are allowed to participate (e.g., if the departure date is on 8th July, the check-in date will be on 3rd July).

(4) Within 48 hours before Departure, China Southern Airlines will arrange the Designated Medical Institutions to conduct 1 Nucleic Acid (RT PCR) test at the doorstep of the Passengers' respective hotel room.

(5) Within 24 hours before Departure, China Southern Airlines will arrange the Designated Medical Institutions to conduct 1 Nucleic Acid (RT PCR) test at the doorstep of the Passengers' respective hotel room.

(6) On the day of Departure, China Southern Airlines will arrange the Designated Medical Institutions to conduct RTK ANTIGEN test at the doorstep of the Passengers' respective hotel room.

(7) The COVID-19 test procedure on those traveling to China is subjected to the latest announcement issued by the Embassy. Should there be any changes, this protocol will be amended accordingly.

(8) On the day of Departure, China Southern Airlines will arrange transportation for all eligible Passengers from the Hotel to the airport for flight check-in.

2. Hotel Check-in Requirements for Pre-departure Quarantine Management

(1) Passengers who have NO history of COVID-19 infection, symptoms and close-contact:

A. Definition: All Passengers who but excluding passengers stated in item (2)-(6).

B. Hotel check-in requirements: The Nucleic Acid(RT-PCR) test result must be negative on the 6th day before Departure.

(2) Passengers who HAVE a history of COVID-19 infection

A. Definition: (i) Passengers who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 (ii) Passengers who have not been diagnosed with COVID-19, but have been tested positive on either Nucleic Acid(RT-PCR)

B. Hotel check-in requirements: Must provide the recovery PCR test report with Embassy's verified email reply and Nucleic Acid(RT-PCR) test result must be negative on the 6 th day before Departure.

(3) Passengers who HAVE a history of COVID-19 symptoms

A. Definition: Within 14 days before check-in, Passengers have/had fever, sore throat, diarrhoea or other symptoms; or who have been refused boarding by others airlines due to high body temperature or suspected symptoms.

B. Hotel check-in requirements: Cessations of symptoms after completion of quarantine/Isolation for 14 days or more. Where there are no more symptoms after observation, to conduct COVID-19 test specified by the Embassy, and may be allowed to check-in with the Embassy's verified email reply and Nucleic Acid(RT-PCR) test result must be negative on the 6 th day before Departure.

(4) Passengers who have a history of close contact

A. Definition: (i) Have close contact with a confirmed or an asymptomatic COVID-19 infected person. (ii) Same flight Passengers or Passengers having been in close contact with a confirmed COVID-19 infected or symptomatic person at workplace or residence in the past 14 days. (iii) Passengers who have got the Nucleic Acid (RT-PCR) test report with the result of "INCONLUSIVE". (iv) Whoever Passengers who are deemed as close contact by the Embassy.

B. Hotel check-in requirements: Having completed quarantine/ Isolation for at least 14 days. Upon confirmation of not being infected, Passengers are allowed to check-in the Hotel with Embassy's verified email reply and Nucleic Acid(RT-PCR) test result must be negative on the 6th day before Departure.

(5) Passengers not originally travel from Malaysia

A. Definition: Passengers traveling from a third country to Malaysia and planning to transit from Kuala Lumpur to China.

B. Hotel check-in requirements: There is no direct flight from the Passengers 'originating country to China, Passengers must enter Malaysia for more than 28 days (Note: the date of departure minus the date of entry must be more than 28 days). In addition to the foregoing Hotel check-in requirements, Passengers who also fall under the aforesaid four categories at the same time must fulfil any 2 check-in requirements to be considered allowed to check in the Hotel.

(6) Other type of Passengers who are also required to undergo any observation procedure according to the announcement of the Embassy should be considered whether fulfill check-in requirements according to the announcement.

3. Hotel check-in procedure for pre-departure Quarantine Management

(1) Hotel information

A. Hotel name: Hilton Petaling Jaya

B. Hotel address: 2, Jalan Barat, Pjs 52, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor

C. Hotel room pricing: Single room costs RM320 per night (inclusive of meals, tax, transportation from hotel to airport; exclusive of fees for Nucleic Acid(RT-PCR) test and RTK Antigen test). The total fee of 5 night stay is 1600 MYR.

D. Hotel contact number: +603 7955 9122

(2) Hotel check-in with Quarantine Management

A. Booking of hotel rooms will be made collectively; Passengers do not need to book on their own;

B. Hotel check-in time: 2.30p.m to 7.30p.m on the 5th day before Departure (e.g., if the departure date is on 8th July, the check-in date will be on 3rd July). Please arrange your own lunch before check-in. Passengers who do not arrive at the Hotel within time for check-in will be deemed to have voluntarily aborted their flights, flight seats will be cancelled and flight ticket will be treated as refunded or changed to another flight date at the request of the passengers subject to the terms and conditions.

C. Documents and Items required for Hotel check-in:

(i) Original Passport;

(ii) The Nucleic Acid(RT-PCR) test report with "Not Detected/Negative" result for the test conducted on the 6th day before Departure issued by Designated Medical Institution (e.g., if the departure date is on 8th July, the test report sampled on 2nd July should be presented, both electronic and printed version are accepted). Please start off to the hotel after getting the test report.

(iii) All paper documentations and materials required by the Embassy to be uploaded for application submission of "Health Declaration Certificate International Version" in relation to the issuance of the Health Code(both electronic and printed version are accepted);

(iv) Thermodetector.

D. Passengers are required to sign the Pre-departure Voluntary Quarantine Management Commitment Letter before check-in.

4. Quarantine Management Test Arrangement

(1) For now, China Southern Airlines cooperates with 3 Designated Medical Institutions:

A. MYGENOME SDN BHD(KUALA LUMPUR),address: G03 & G04, Menara See Hoy Chan, No.374, Jalan Tun Razak, 50400 Kuala Lumpur

B. GHHS HEALTHCARE AMBULATORY CENTRE (SELANGOR), address: LG Floor, East Wing, Jalan Kuda Emas, Mines Wellness City, 43300 Seri Kembangan , Selangor

C. SUNWAY MEDICAL CENTRE, PETALING JAYA(SELANGOR), address: 5, Jalan Lagoon Selatan, Bandar Sunway, 47500 Petaling Jaya, Selangor;

(2) Subject to the latest guidelines on travelling to China, China Southern Airlines will arrange the above two Designated Medical Institutions to collect samples from the Passengers at the hotel.

(3) The fee of the tests:

A. Nucleic Acid (RT-PCR) test is 180 MYR/person.

B. RTK ANTIGEN test is 80 MYR/person.

C. The above prices of tests fluctuate with market conditions.

5. Payment and Contact Details

(1) Payment

Avoiding waiting in a long queue, once confirmed to participate in this quarantine management, Passengers are required to pay all the relevant fees via online transfer 2 work days before check-in. Payment should be made to the authorised service provider of China Southern Airlines, i.e. D ZEN MICE TRAVEL SDN BHD, which is responsible to issue the relevant payment receipt for meals and living accommodation at the Hotel as well as the testing fee. To obtain such payment receipt, please request via email at [email protected]. Bank transfer information of the service provider as follows:



Account Number:8009 1661 45


Receipt Reference: [Organisation name and number of people or Passenger name and number of people]

Upon transfer, please send the transfer slip to D ZEN MICE TRAVEL SDN BHD at the email address of [email protected] and please send a carbon copy (cc.) to Kuala Lumpur Office at the email address of [email protected]. Please also provide the confirmed check-in list (name, passport number) in the same email.

Once confirmed not to participate in the quarantine management, please inform D ZEN MICE TRAVEL SDN BHD. The authorised service provider will arrange transfer and provide transfer slip accordingly.

(2) Contact Details

A.China Southern Airlines

China Southern Airlines Overseas Service Hotline: 0086 592 2226666(24hours)

China Southern Airlines Kuala Lumpur office (Office hours: Work day 10:00-18:00)

Tel: 006 03 2163 9977

Enquiry Email: [email protected]

B.D ZEN MICE TRAVEL SDN BHD(Office hours: 08:30-17:30)

Enquiry Email: [email protected]


006 019 5710317(Remark Passenger name, passport number and flight date)

006 017 7030800(Remark Passenger name, passport number and flight date)

Emergency Contact:

JESS CHAN 006 019 5710317

6. Notes on Quarantine Management

(1) Passengers should read carefully the hotel check-in requirements of the pre-departure Quarantine Management Hotel. In the event Passengers knew that they do not meet the check-in requirements and yet fail to disclose truthfully and deliberately proceeded to check-in the Hotel, once it is found to be non-compliance, passengers shall leave the Hotel and all expenses incurred during the Quarantine Management shall be borne by the Passengers. Flight booking will be cancelled and flight ticket will be treated as refunded or changed to another flight date at the request of the passengers subject to terms and conditions.

(2) Those Passengers suffering from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases or other basic diseases, it is recommended to prepare their own medicines (self-medication items) and please indicate the physical status in the hotel check-in questionnaire.

If Passenger are not feeling well during the quarantine period and require to seek medical treatment, please contact the hotel service provider immediately for assistant. The Quarantine Management should be terminated immediately. Passengers can apply for full refund of the flight ticket. All expenses incurred during the Quarantine Management shall be borne by the Passengers themselves.

(3) Passengers should have valid departure documents (such as visas, renewed passport etc.) before check-in.

If Passengers need to go out to apply for departure documents during quarantine period, they will be deemed to have terminated the Quarantine Management. In this regard, the Airlines shall deem the Passengers as voluntarily giving up the flights, flight booking will be cancelled and flight ticket will be refunded or reschedule to another flight date at the request of the passengers subject to terms and conditions and all expenses incurred during the Quarantine Management shall be borne by the Passengers themselves.

(4) The Quarantine Management is established on the basis of both parties' mutual willingness and cooperation. The Hotel will not restrict the personal freedom of the Passengers. In the event Passengers wish to end the Quarantine Management early due to personal reasons during the quarantine period, they may inform the authorised staff in advance and leave the Hotel but all expenses incurred during the Quarantine Management shall be borne by the Passengers themselves. With respect to this, the Airlines regards the Passengers as voluntarily giving up the flights, flight booking will be cancelled and flight ticket will be treated as refunded or changed to another flight date at the request of the passengers subject to terms and conditions.

(5) During the Quarantine Management period, the Hotel management staff will thoroughly check the CCTV footage outside the respective Passengers' Hotel rooms for the past 24 hours every day. In the event Passengers are found to visit, leave the room, have external contact or accept other people into the room without permission, the Quarantine Management of such Passengers will be terminated immediately, such Passengers shall settle the incurred expenses on meal and accommodation and leave the Hotel immediately. In the event the aforesaid behaviours of such Passenger have caused cross-infection or other serious risks, such responsibility arising therefrom shall be borne by such Passengers.

(6) In the event during the Quarantine Management period or before departure, Passengers are found to have fever (≧37.3℃), dry cough, fatigue, sore throat, loss of smell (taste), diarrhoea or other symptoms, or the test results are abnormal prior to take-off (Nucleic Acid(RT-PCR) test results is "Detected" or "Inconclusive ", Nucleic Acid CT level ≤40; On the day of Departure, RTK Antigen test results is positive), according to the relevant epidemic prevention regulations, the Passengers and their peers will be not allowed to board the flight. Under such circumstances, Passengers can apply for full refund of the flight ticket. However, all losses arising therefrom and expenses incurred during the Quarantine Management shall be borne by the Passengers themselves, and the Airlines is exempted from any responsibilities under such circumstances.

(7) In the event a Passenger's test result is abnormal prior to boarding (Nucleic Acid(RT-PCR) test results is "Detected" or "Inconclusive ", Nucleic Acid CT level ≤40; On the day of Departure, RTK Antigen test results is positive; an unvaccinated IgM or IgG antibody test result is positive), the other remaining Passengers shall co-operate with the Airlines and the Embassy to ascertain whether they have close contact with the infected Passenger. If there is evidence of close contact with the infected Passenger, such Passenger will be disqualified to board the flight. In such circumstances, Passengers can apply for full refund of the flight ticket. However, all losses arising therefrom and expenses incurred during the Quarantine Management shall be borne by the Passengers themselves, and the Airlines is exempted from any responsibilities under such circumstances.

(8) During the Quarantine Management period, the flight may be cancelled due to force majeure such as weather, the CAAC Circuit Breaker Policy, epidemic prevention and control reasons, which would result in Passengers not being able to board the flight as scheduled. According to the Airlines' current notified policy, under such circumstances, Passengers can apply for full refund of the flight ticket. However, all expenses incurred during the Quarantine Management shall be borne by the Passengers themselves.

(9) After the Quarantine Management period, if the Passengers have fulfilled the requirements of Quarantine Management of China Southern Airlines, Passengers can apply for the Health Code according to the relevant regulations issued by the Embassy. If the Passengers do not meet the Health Code criteria issued by the Embassy after verification and are unable to obtain the Health Code prior to the closure of Airlines check-in counter, such Passengers shall comply with the relevant requirements of epidemic prevention management, be prohibited to board the flight. In such circumstances, Passengers can apply for full refund of the flight ticket. However, all losses arising therefrom and expenses incurred for meal and accommodation during the Quarantine Management shall be borne by the Passengers themselves, and the Airlines is exempted from any responsibilities under such circumstances.

(10) During the Quarantine Management period, if the Embassy changes the Quarantine Management policy or the travel to China guidelines, the Passengers shall undertake to fulfill the relevant requirements as required by the changed policies.

(11) All expenses incurred during the Quarantine Management shall be borne by the Passengers themselves and any disputes arising during the period shall be resolved through negotiation between the Hotel and the Passengers. The Airlines will not have any responsibilities under such circumstances.

(12) All personal injury, financial/property losses arising during the period of Quarantine Management shall be resolved through negotiation between the Hotel and the Passengers. The Airlines will not have any responsibilities under such circumstances.

(13) Passengers must comply with the relevant laws, regulations pertaining to epidemic prevention and hotel check-in as prescribed by the local government and the Hotel during the Quarantine Management period. Any penalties/fines or losses due to non-compliance with the law or regulations shall be borne by the Passengers themselves. The Airlines will not have any responsibilities under such circumstances.

(14) Any consequences arising from Passengers' non-compliance with the Quarantine Management regulations or other reasons shall be borne by the Passengers themselves.

7. Boarding requirements

(1) Passengers must meet the requirements for staying in a Quarantine Management hotel and complete the pre-departure Quarantine Management according to its requirement. Passengers must confirm to abide by the two COVID-19 tests required by the Embassy prior to Departure and obtain the Health Code issued by the Embassy after verification. Passengers must take the RTK Antigen test on the day of Departure. Eventually, conduct flight check-in procedure based on the Health Code issued by the Embassy after verification, the relevant COVID-19 test reports and negative RTK Antigen test result.

(2) For Passengers who have completed hotel quarantine management and fulfilled the aforesaid boarding requirements, transportation will be arranged for them to transit to the airport. From the time of leaving the Hotel room of Kuala Lumpur Quarantine Management Hotel until the check-in to the quarantine hotel in Guangzhou, passengers are required to wear KN95/N95 (no valve) mask and are recommended to wear protective clothing, face shield (goggles) and medical gloves and keep them wearing properly throughout the journey. Passengers shall avoid eating in the airport terminals. China Southern Airlines will strengthen the epidemic prevention measures and may conduct inspection during boarding. Passengers who violated the relevant regulations will be advised to terminate the trip.

8. Other important notes

(1) Passengers are required to read carefully the travel to China guidelines published on the Embassy's official website entitled "Notice on Health Code Application and Pre-departure Test Requirements for Passengers Traveling to China (updated on 21 May 2022)" and to observe the latest updates on the guidelines. All COVID-19 test procedures are required to comply with the latest guidelines published.

(2) Passengers are required to read carefully all the important notes for traveling to China published on China Southern Airlines' official website.

Attachment: Pre-boarding Quarantine Health Management Commitment Letter

China Southern Airlines Co., Ltd.

14 June 2022