Great Portland Estates plc

07/22/2021 | Press release | Archived content

GPE publishes its Sustainable Finance Framework

The Framework provides a context for GPE to potentially issue debt instruments to finance or refinance projects that have a positive environmental and/or social impact, while supporting the Group's sustainability strategy and wider business strategy. The Framework is aligned to internationally recognised principles issued by the International Capital Markets Association (ICMA) and the Loan Markets Association (LMA). DNV Business Assurance Services UK Limited have provided a Second Party Opinion (SPO) which confirms the alignment of the Framework to these principles.

NatWest Markets acted as Sustainability Structuring Advisor.

Both the Framework and SPO can be found on the investor section of our website.

Following the launch of our Roadmap to Net Zero and 'The Time is Now', our sustainability statement of intent in 2020, the Framework marks the next step in our continuing journey to integrate sustainability across all aspects of our business.

Janine ColeSustainability & Social Impact Director

We are very pleased to have published the Framework and look forward to further accessing the sustainable debt finance market in the years to come.

Martin LeightonCorporate Finance Director