07/01/2022 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/01/2022 02:53

Human Rights and the Transparency Act

Human Rights and the Transparency Act

Human rights are fundamental rights to which we are all inherently entitled simply because we are humans. These rights are protected by international law and from 1 July 2022, our obligation as a company to protect human rights is strengthened with the implementation of the Norwegian Transparency Act ('Åpenhetsloven').

Salient Issues

The table below gives a summary of our initial assessment of where a violation of human and labor rights has a more-than-remote possibility of occurring and the groups potentially affected. We are presently performing a more in-depth due diligence of our supply chain and aim to disclose information on our approach, findings, and remedial actions (if any) no later than 1 July 2023, with interim updates in the period ahead of the full disclosure.

An initial assessment has been undertaken of risk areas and groups for violation of human and labor rights. We are in the process of in-depth due diligence on our supply chain.

Our Commitment

PGS has been a signatory to the 10 principles of the United Nations' Global Compact since 2014. We have embedded our commitment to protect human rights in our Code of Conduct and corporate policies and governing documentation, and last year we set two corporate goals directly related to human rights:

  1. Ensure that our operations do not cause any infringement of basic human and labor rights
  2. Ensure all suppliers uphold the same sustainability standards as we do

Our Code of Conduct and Corporate Responsibility Policy contain PGS' overarching commitment to respect Human and Labor Rights throughout our global activities. Our commitments to human and labor rights predominantly address our suppliers and the workforce in our supply chain, but also our own workforce, other business partners, and the local communities in the regions in which we operate.

We are determined that our suppliers shall adhere to our human and labor rights standards. To this end, we have implemented our Supplier Code of Conduct which imposes obligations on all suppliers to respect salient human and labor rights. Key suppliers will be required to confirm compliance with our Supplier Code of Conduct. PGS will also implement human and labor rights lifecycle management in its supply chain. This lifecycle management includes supplier qualification, approval, monitoring, and remediation.

A more detailed account of our human rights management can be found in our repository of ESG documents.

Information Requests

Under the Norwegian Transparency Act, upon written request, any person has the right to information from PGS regarding how we address actual and potential adverse impacts. If you would like to submit such a request, please do so in writing to [email protected].