Amcor plc

09/30/2021 | News release | Distributed by Public on 09/30/2021 06:39

Showcasing our sustainability progress at Amcor – David Clark, Vice President of Sustainability

Amcor's annual report for fiscal year 2021 was launched earlier this week and as Vice President of Sustainability, I find it a useful moment for us to pause and reflect on our progress when it comes to our sustainability goals. In this short blog series, I will share some of Amcor's achievements over the last year, along with our most pertinent ambitions that drive us to accomplish our goals.

Sustainability remains our most exciting growth opportunity at Amcor. We are incredibly excited and invigorated by the accelerating progress we are making. In the last year, we have made significant advances across the three key pillars of more sustainable packaging: innovative packaging design; collaboration for waste management infrastructure; and education for greater consumer participation.

In addition to creating more responsible packaging, we're ensuring sustainability informs every aspect of what we do, whether that is employment practices or sourcing and manufacturing. Through our EnviroAction program, we are reducing our carbon footprint, cutting down on waste and minimizing water usage. By 2030, Amcor will reduce its greenhouse gas emissions intensity by 60% compared to the 2006 baseline.

This work has not gone unnoticed. We are pleased that this year Amcor was recognized for our sustainability leadership by FTSE4Good, Ethibel Excellence Investment Register, the Institutional Shareholder Services ESG program, Ecovadis and the MSCI and achieved an A- score in climate change from the CDP.

I am proud of our sustainability achievements: they demonstrate the strength of our approach and I am excited to see our innovations continue to build on our progress. I hope you will come back to read my next post, which will explore the significant advances we've made when it comes to creating more sustainable packaging.