European Parliament

10/11/2021 | Press release | Archived content

European Youth Event 2021: proposals for the future of Europe

  • Young people from all over Europe gathered in Strasbourg to discuss how to shape the EU of tomorrow
  • Concrete proposals will feed into the Conference on the future of Europe
  • 10,000 participants, 2,000 ideas, 160 activities during event
10,000 young people took part, both physically and online, in EYE2021 © EP

Recycling, multilingualism, the rule of law and a push for a Federal Europe were among the main ideas by the 10,000 young participants.

The European Youth Event (EYE2021) took place on 8-9 October, with 5,000 young people at the European Parliament in Strasbourg and another 5,000 online, to discuss more than 2,000 ideas for shaping the future of Europe.

Find more facts and figures on the EYE2021, here

Ideas of Europe's youth to feed into the Conference on the future of the EU

The youth consultation process for the Conference on the Future of Europe started in May 2021, in collaboration with pan-European youth organisations, and collected more than 2,000 ideas on the future of Europe through the online platform.

Among the proposals brought up at EYE2021, participants put forward concrete ideas to make recycling easier across the EU, to make the so-called 'Article 7' procedure, protecting EU values, more effective, and the reforming of language learning in schools to promote multilingualism. With climate change, COVID-19 and international security concerns identified by the youth representatives as significant challenges to the EU, they came forward with proposals for a more federal Europe, together with ideas to keep companies more accountable for their contributions to climate change .

The most popular 20 ideas from EYE2021 will be presented by two young participants at the next plenary of the Conference on the Future of Europe, taking place in Strasbourg on 22-23 October 2021.


  • Neil CORLETT

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