Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

10/11/2021 | News release | Distributed by Public on 10/11/2021 02:50

Russian peacekeepers ensured the safe visit of about 70 pilgrims to the monastery complex in Nagorno-Karabakh

11.10.2021 (05:00)

Troops of the Russian peacekeeping contingent provided a safe visit to pilgrims of the Amaras monastery complex, located near the line of demarcation of the parties in Nagorno-Karabakh.

Russian peacekeepers escorted pilgrims for Sunday service to the monastery of the Armenian Apostolic Church from Stepanakert to the Martuni district and vice versa.

After the end of hostilities and the signing of a ceasefire agreement, the early medieval monastery of Amaras was in close proximity to the line of demarcation of the parties. Servicemen of the Russian peacekeeping contingent in Nagorno-Karabakh regularly provide security for pilgrims wishing to visit this shrine.

In accordance with the agreements specified in the joint statement of the President of the Russian Federation, the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia, a complete cease-fire and all military operations in Nagorno-Karabakh were declared from 00: 00 Moscow time on November 10, 2020.

A peacekeeping contingent of the Russian Federation has been deployed to monitor the ceasefire and military operations in Nagorno-Karabakh.