John B. Larson

07/15/2021 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/15/2021 15:33

Larson, Local Advocates Highlight Importance of Expanded Child Tax Credit

Hartford, CT - Today, Rep. John B. Larson (CT-01) joined Catholic Charities, Mayor Bronin, and local families to highlight the first monthly Child Tax Credit advance payments that went out today. Larson helped lead the effort in the Ways and Means Committee to include the enhanced Child Tax Credit in the American Rescue Plan. Starting today, July 15th,many families in the First District will begin receiving a monthly payment from the enhanced Child Tax Credit. Eligible families will begin to receive $250 per month per child six and up, and $300 per month for every child under the age of six.

If people do not have to file a tax return because of their income bracket, or did not previously claim the Child Tax Credit, the IRS created portals to submit the necessary information to receive their benefits. More information and the portal can be found here.

Left to right: Liz Bryden, Rep. Larson, Mayor Bronin, Tina Colon, Jessica Rivera, John Noonan

'The expansion of the Child Tax Credit in the American Rescue Plan is one of the most consequential policies I've ever voted for. Today we heard directly from families about how vital and important this financial assistance is. Now, for the first time, families will get real support every month. Children in need can't wait until next year to eat, or buy clothes, or have housing, so we're giving them the help they need now! This credit alone will cut childhood poverty in half. Here in the First Congressional District, that means nearly 8,000 children will be lifted above the poverty line with over 115,000 benefiting overall,' said Larson. 'Now it's time we make this expansion permanent. If families didn't receive their payments today, they should visit or call 800-829-1040.'

'This Child Tax Credit is one of the most significant pieces of legislation since Social Security was passed in terms of what we can do to lift individuals and families out of poverty,' said Hartford Mayor Luke Bronin. 'It will make an incredible difference in the lives of thousands of kids in the city of Hartford. For anyone who is already filing their taxes and are claiming their children as dependents, you're automatically going to get this tax credit. But looking at the best estimate we can find, there are probably about 2,000 in the City of Hartford who are not yet on the radar to get this tax credit. That's why it's so important to spread the word about this tax credit.'

'When our families come to us they're often dealing with many challenges, but I can say one of the biggest challenges is often financial stress. Our families are living at or below the poverty level and are making those daily choices of whether they're going to pay their electric bill or if they are going to buy groceries. Those choices are very, very difficult and the Child Tax Credit gives them an opportunity to have a little less stress,' said Liz Bryden, Chief Operating Officer, Catholic Charities Archdiocese of Hartford.

'Strategically speaking, the Child Tax Credit comes at a crucial time. At a time when the extra unemployment benefits and the eviction moratorium are ending soon, I see this Child Tax Credit as a form of support for many families that will loose those mentioned benefits. As a person who works with many low-income families, I hear their stories, their loses, and their struggles. Many are trying their best to survive under the circumstances and many see this credit as a blessing with the approach of the new school year. They'll also see it as a monetary relief, as they say, 'every penny counts,'' said Tina Colon, an instructional leader at the Paraiso Infantil school readiness program.

'This Child Tax Credit is beneficial for families, especially those who are struggling during these hard times, to help them make ends meet,' said Jessica Rivera, a parent with a child currently enrolled at Paraiso Infantil.
