Applus Services SA

10/26/2021 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 10/26/2021 01:52

Repsol awards Applus+ a contract for the geotechnical study and environmental site characterisation for the construction of a new industrial terminal in Bilbao


Repsol has awarded Applus+ the geotechnical study of the 50,000 square metre plot on which the new industrial terminal in the port area of Bilbao, in the vicinity of the Petronor Industrial Complex, will be developed. The terminal under construction will focus on different enterprises for the production of synthetic fuels, green hydrogen, the assessment of solid recovered fuels and a logistics centre for hydrogen distribution.

This project will encourage the industrial and technological development of hydrogen and will involve the decarbonisation of various industrial processes. The new industrial terminal will, thus, become the centre for the development of transport of goods and aviation applications, among other sectors, and will also serve to store clean energy in the long term and guarantee its supply.

The main objectives of the service provided by Applus+ are to identify the geotechnical conditions of the plot, establish the mechanical and geotechnical characteristics of the different units that make up the land, both in its current state and in its improved state at the end of the preloading, and prepare a procedure for the execution of the preloading method for the improvement of the ground. It will also define the phreatic levels, and the environmental conditions and chemical aggressiveness of the soil and water that could affect the structures, among other studies.

The works awarded to Applus+ have a 12-week execution period and are based on the drilling of six different boreholes in which standard penetration tests (SPT), pressuremeter tests and sampling are performed.

Besides the geotechnical study, Applus+ will conduct the subsoil environmental characterisation of the plot, an essential task to know the environmental status and the subsoil conditions before the development of earthworks.

In addition to all of the above, Applus+ will also perform a technical requisition for the preloading of the entire plot, and a topographic survey of it, if required.

For this project, Applus+ has set up a multidisciplinary team made up of expert technicians from the Land Engineering, Infrastructures, Environmental Consultancy, Construction and Occupational Risk Prevention departments.

Repsol has learnt from our past performance that we are committed to the safety of people, facilities and the environment, and to meeting tight deadlines for project execution, while providing top quality work. Our ability to build effective interdisciplinary teams functioning at a high level allows us to solve any problem that may arise during the course of the project.
