PT AKR Corporindo Tbk

04/28/2022 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 04/28/2022 01:21

AKRA GMS Approves Dividend Payment of Rp 579 billion Dividend per share Rp 29- payout ratio 51.5% of net profit 2021

AKRA GMS Approves Dividend Payment of Rp 579 billion Dividend per share Rp 29- payout ratio 51.5% of net profit 2021

April 28, 2022

JAKARTA, 28th April 2022The Shareholders of PT AKR Corporindo Tbk (IDX ticker code: AKRA.IJ) today approved dividend of Rp Rp 572 billion, equal to Rp29 share in the Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders (AGM) held today . This amount represents payout of 51,5% of Net Profit of Rp1,112 bn during the financial year 2021

The Cash dividend of Rp 29 per share will be paid to shareholders after deducting the interim dividend paid earlier; The Company had earlier paid interim dividend of Rp 12 per share on August 19th , 2021. The final cash dividend of Rp 17 per share will be paid on May 24th , 2022. Details of final dividend payment schedule are as follows:<_o3a_p>

Dividend Schedule<_o3a_p>


Cum dividend at regular market & negotiation Market<_o3a_p>

May 17 2022<_o3a_p>

Ex dividend at regular market & negotiation Market<_o3a_p>

May 18 2022<_o3a_p>

Cum dividend at cash market <_o3a_p>

May 19 2022<_o3a_p>

Ex Dividen at cash market<_o3a_p>

May 20 2022<_o3a_p>

Dividend Recording Date<_o3a_p>

May 19 2022<_o3a_p>

Payment of cash dividend<_o3a_p>

May 24 2022<_o3a_p>

In the GMS, President Director Mr. Haryanto Adikoesoemo explained that the Company recorded 20% Net Profit growth in 2021 by implementing strategic policies that focus on five things:<_o3a_p>

1. Maintaining product availability with the Company's competitive advantages and risk management<_o3a_p>

2. Development & marketing JIIPE to support the growth of the national industry<_o3a_p>

3. Continuing the retail expansion of bp AKR<_o3a_p>

4. Initiating the development of cleaner and renewable energy distribution<_o3a_p>

5. Maintaining the implementation of the Company's sustainability policy<_o3a_p>

Dividend payments during 2019-2021<_o3a_p>

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The AGM was held at AKR Gallery West, Meeting Room P2 floor, Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta. The meeting approved the following four Agenda items: <_o3a_p>

1. The Directors 'Reports, Commissioners' Reports, Financial Statement, and the Company's Annual Report for the fiscal year ending December 31st , 2021 and granted acquit et de charge to all the Members of BOC and BOD for their actions and oversight during the year ended 31st December 2021.<_o3a_p>2. Approval of the proposed plan of the Company's Net Income usage for the fiscal year ended December 31st , 2021.<_o3a_p>

3. Appointment of Independent Public Accountant Firm Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja (a member of Ernst & Young Global Limited) as an Independent Public Accounting Firm that will audit the Company's books for the financial year ending December 31, 2022.<_o3a_p>

The AGMS was followed by an Extraordinary GMS with the agenda of rearranging the purposes and objectives of the Company's Articles of Association to be adjusted to the 2020 Indonesian Standard Classification of Business Fields (KBLI).<_o3a_p>

Corporate Secretary <_o3a_p>
