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05/09/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 05/10/2024 04:02

Everything You Need To Know About Cloud Seeding In Dubai

Thu, 09 May, 2024

Impacting the weather sounds futuristic, but cloud seeding in the UAE has been used since the 1990s to meet the rising demand for freshwater.


If recent storms and rainfall sparked your curiosity, here's a comprehensive guide to understanding this fascinating technology and its impact on the UAE's environment.

What is cloud seeding?

Cloud seeding is a scientific process that enhances the moisture within clouds with condensation nuclei, creating favorable atmospheric conditions to promote rain formation. This technique expedites condensation within existing clouds, enhancing the natural precipitation process to increase rainfall. Cloud seeding does not "create" rain but makes the condensation and precipitation process more efficient.

According to the World Meteorological Organization, 56 countries have adopted this technology to combat droughts and extreme weather. It's been particularly effective in arid regions like the Middle East, where the natural annual rainfall is insufficient to meet the needs of a growing population.

Cloud seeding in Dubai: Over two decades of innovation

Dubai's climate is characterized by high temperatures and low annual rainfall, typically around 120 millimeters. The country has been proactive in addressing this challenge by utilizing cloud seeding since the 1990s, with the launch of the UAE Research Programme for Rain Enhancement Science (UAEREP). Collaborating with global organizations like NASA and other research institutions, the program aims to secure freshwater supplies for future generations.

Why does Dubai need cloud seeding?

The United Nations has predicted that by 2025, nearly 14% of the world's population will experience water scarcity, which is particularly alarming for arid regions like Dubai. To tackle the issue head-on, the government has implemented the cloud seeding initiative as a sustainable and cost-effective method to address current and future water needs.

Cloud Seeding vs. Desalination

Desalination, while effective, is resource-intensive and costly compared to cloud seeding, which is 60% more economical. Moreover, cloud seeding directly taps into a natural process, offering immediate results without the infrastructure and operational challenges associated with desalination plants.

A record of success

In 2016, 177 flights were conducted to seed clouds. By 2019, over 200 missions were completed, including eight in October alone, yielding 6.7 million cubic meters of water. The initiative has continued to grow, with 311 missions in 2022 alone, resulting in nearly 1,000 flying hours. These statistics demonstrate how cloud seeding has positively impacted the Dubai water supply and overall climate resilience.

The process of cloud seeding in Dubai

Cloud seeding via air

The National Centre of Meteorology (NCM) primarily uses aircraft to disperse condensation nuclei into cloud formations. Planes equipped with flares loaded with salts such as magnesium, potassium chloride, and sodium chloride release these substances into cumulus clouds.

Clouds consist of two distinct air masses: an upper draft and a lower draft. The flares are strategically released into the upper draft, where they are drawn into the cloud, burning the salt particles. These salt particles attach to existing moisture droplets, promoting larger and heavier rain droplets through condensation, ultimately falling as precipitation. This method targets the dense clouds moving over the Arabian Gulf, aiming to increase rainfall yield by at least 15%.

Al Ain Airport serves as the aircraft base, given its proximity to mountainous areas. Scientists have also experimented with drone technology to zap clouds with electricity, encouraging the formation of water droplets that will clump together and fall as rain instead of evaporating.

Cloud seeding from land

Ground-based generators stationed in mountainous regions like Hafeet and Fujairah can also stimulate rain formation. These generators shoot salt flares from the ground into existing clouds to promote the precipitation process.

Nanotechnology cloud seeding

Recent advancements have enabled scientists to explore new ways to enhance rainfall through innovative methods. The NCM is currently testing a nano-technology method that uses salt crystals coated with titanium dioxide nanoparticle veneers instead of traditional flares. These specialized salt crystals are injected into clouds, increasing the density of rain particles and making them more likely to precipitate.

Advantages of cloud seeding in Dubai

Agricultural Benefits

With increased rainfall, farmers can better irrigate their crops, leading to higher yields and a more secure food supply. This positively impacts the local economy and reduces dependence on imported agricultural products.

Well Recharging

Increased rainfall helps recharge wells and groundwater reserves, crucial for rural areas where people rely on wells for drinking water. This can alleviate pressure on centralized water infrastructure and support a more distributed water supply.

Environmental Impact

Artificial rain has been effective in creating favorable environmental conditions. By alleviating extreme heat and aridity, vegetation can thrive, and wildlife habitats can be restored.

Reduced Desalination Costs

Desalination requires significant energy and infrastructure, making it costly. Cloud seeding can complement these efforts, providing a natural source of water at a fraction of the cost.

Economic Growth

With secure and sustainable water supplies, Dubai can continue to grow economically and socially, attracting investment and innovation in various sectors.


Towards A Brighter Future

Dubai's dedication to cloud seeding aligns perfectly with its vision of sustainability and innovation. By utilizing this advanced technology, the country is building a solid foundation for a prosperous and resilient future.

Dubai is not only creating alternative water sources but also striving to excel in social and economic standards, aiming to be one of the best places to live globally. The nation's focus on initiatives like cloud seeding reflects its commitment to progress.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


The UAE launched its cloud seeding program in the late 1990s, becoming a pioneer among Middle Eastern countries to utilize this innovative technique. By collaborating with leading institutions like the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) and NASA, the UAE has significantly bolstered its efforts in developing and implementing advanced rain-enhancing technologies.


There was widespread speculation on social media, with many attributing the unprecedented rainfall to cloud seeding-a process that manipulates existing clouds to enhance precipitation. However, experts suggest that the record-breaking rainfall is more likely due to the impact of climate change.


In mid-April 2024, Dubai experienced an extraordinary downpour, receiving nearly two years' worth of rain in just a single day. This significant event led to speculation that the heavy rainfall was influenced by cloud seeding, a geoengineering practice frequently employed in the region. Cloud seeding involves injecting a chemical known as silver iodide into clouds that contain substantial water vapor, effectively enhancing their precipitation potential and increasing rainfall.


Climate scientists note that rising global temperatures, driven by human-caused climate change, are contributing to a surge in extreme weather events worldwide, including intense rainfall. "Rainfall from thunderstorms, such as those recently observed in Dubai, tends to increase significantly with warming," they explain.


The cloud seeding process itself is permitted, but claiming that rain is entirely and exclusively due to cloud seeding disregards the fact that Allah SWT is the Most Powerful and, by His will, ultimately determines when and where the rain falls. Cloud seeding is just one scientific method used to optimize natural processes, but it is crucial to recognize that the true source of all blessings, including rainfall, lies in divine power.


Increased precipitation in one area could lead to droughts in nearby regions by diverting rain away from them. Similarly, cloud seeding could result in excessive rainfall, potentially causing flooding and other weather-related disasters. Additionally, this practice could impact agriculture and natural ecosystems by altering the natural distribution of precipitation.


An international research team discovered that rising ocean temperatures contributed to the severe flooding in Dubai. Although the scientists noted that heavy rainfall had increased in the region, they couldn't pinpoint the exact impact of climate change on this intensification.


Introduced in the 1990s, cloud seeding plays a vital role in the UAE's efforts to combat water scarcity, with over 1,000 hours of cloud seeding operations carried out each year.


Vincent J. Schaefer (1906-1993), an American chemist and meteorologist, developed cloud seeding techniques.


The initial cloud seeding trial took off from upstate New York on November 13, 1946.