ILO - International Labour Organization

12/08/2021 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 12/09/2021 00:29

Laying the foundation for safer workplaces in Moldova - Labour Inspectorate and ILO launch a new IT platform on work accident reporting

The ILO estimates that, globally, occupational accidents and work-related diseases cause almost 2 million deaths per year. The vision of achieving zero workplace deaths, accidents, and diseases, as promoted by the ILO, would not only increase productivity, but also help in preventing human suffering.

Moldova is still far away from the vision zero. According to the annual report of the State Labour Inspectorate of Moldova, 63 people died and another 65 persons suffered from severe work accidents in 2020. The number of fatal work accidents per 100,000 workers is 3.4 times higher than in the EU (5.9 vs 1.7 cases) and considerably higher than in neighboring Romania (4.9 cases). As for non-fatal work accidents, Moldovan statistics report a rate that is 20 times lower than the EU average as shown by a recent ILO report on recording work accidents in the country. The report shows that there is a considerable underreporting of non-fatal work accidents and occupational diseases. One of the main reasons is the absence of an electronic database for reporting and recording work accidents and occupational diseases at national level.

Therefore, the Moldovan State Labour Inspectorate recently launched a new web-based platform that will help to produce more reliable statistics on work accidents and occupational diseases. The new platform created with ILO support enables employers and workers to electronically submit reports on work accidents. The same platform also allows labour inspectors to plan and carry out inspections based on the on-line reports, and to plan follow up actions. In addition, the platform also has an electronic complaint box that allows workers to submit charges on possible infringements of labour laws and safety rules to the Labour Inspectorate. Finally, the new platform offers an E-learning section reserved for labour inspectors showing them how to perform their basic functions when reaching out to companies.

At the launch of the new IT platform in Chisinau on November 16th, 2021, Mr. Igor Ciloci, Director ad interim of the State Labour Inspectorate, said that the platform is in line with the government's policy to digitalize the country. According to Mr Ciloci, the platform will improve the effectiveness and transparency of labour inspection contributing to an improved compliance with the labour law as well as international labour standards.

The new reporting system on work accidents forms part of a broader effort of Moldova to revitalize the labour inspection system. The new government has made effective protection at work a top priority which is also reflected in the recently signed, new four-year collaboration program of Moldova and ILO.

The development of the E-Platform was supported by the on-going ILO project "Protecting workers and ensuring decent and safe working conditions during the COVID-19 crisis and recovery in Moldova".