TradeDoubler AB

01/24/2022 | News release | Distributed by Public on 01/24/2022 08:25

What we can expect this year – Partner Marketing Trends, 2022

What we can expect this year - Partner Marketing Trends, 2022

As 2021 draws to a close we reflect on another year with COVID; to some this may come with a sigh of relief, others with a continued cautiously optimstic approach as we enter 2022. The past year has brought an accelerated pace of new consumer trends, and changes in behaviour and regardless of the positives and negatives presents us with new challenges, exciting industry developments and the prospect of recovery and renewed industry growth across the board. Here are some key trends we believe will be important to embrace or continue to focus on.

Partner Marketing Trends 2022

Performance Marketing remains an acquisition channel but more importantly, continuing to establish itself as the preferred "channel" to test. This includes not only CPA activity but native & personalisation tech, traditional top and mid-funnel all working to effective ROAS metrics. The missing link has been measurement against effective and real ROI; once we accept the established channels are not set in stone, the flexible focus of effective CPA and ROAS is. Here we have some examples of the impressive melting-pot partner marketing is and can be for us all.


Programmatic has traditionally been used for full funnel marketing, that is to target consumers through banner advertising on a CPM via trading desks and then retarget those consumers that have shown interest through dynamic sequential messaging, on the products we know or are fairly they are interested in. Since the ability to blend CPM/CPC with CPA retargeting via performance partners via networks, we now the ability or drive traffic, create branding and convert consumers, in a channel that was seen as separate to Partner channels like affiliate. This is where effective CPA and clever commercial arbitrage allows us to knock down "channel" walls further and we will see affiliate networks take more of the programmatic budget in 2022.

Influencer Marketing continue integration in to the performance mix

Traditonally the realm of PR and in-house teams the rise of influencer networks like Metapic continue to shake the foundations of what was quite a closed upfront cost industry. Influencer networks not only bring traditional style camoaigns built on gifting and fees but for advertisers to open CPA influencer network programmes as part of the overall affiliate pie. This new flavour and slice of activity closely reflects the way in which consumers are researching, shopping and buying.

And like any "performance programme" it is not only about the biggest players but also making sure Micro- and nano-influencers are a relevant part of performance/ affiliate marketing strategies. The goal for brands are tangible results. And influencers are adapting to new business models that are less about branding and more about generating traffic, leads, and sales. The advantage of "real people" who are really interested in the products/services are obvious because influencers build a close, trustworthy interaction with consumers.

We have already summarised the advantages of small influencers in a blogpost >>

Deduplication technology

The use of high-performance and reliable deduplication technology should not see as a trend in 2022 but as an absolute necessity for all e-commerce companies. Unfortunately, we see every day that there are still many companies that do not correctly measure, deduplicate and allocate their sales. That means they do not know which digital channels are most profitable for their business. In today's time of digitalisation, this is an absolute MUST.


App installs and download strategies are aimed driving consumer behaviour, to use proprietary app. It is of course easier to upsell, track and build on your consumer strategies if your own tech or shop window is being utilized. Already last year was a 60% increase in app installs. This figure will continue to show this year because consumers love the benefits of apps. So why not take advantage of the trend and offer consumers what they want? Therefore it makes sense that networks like TD have made strong moves in recent years with the aqcusitio of app install businesses and building strong connections to APP networks to facilitate this as another offering on a diverse affiliate partner programme.

First-click leverage

In 2021, the number of signed contracts with first-click leverage increased significantly. No wonder because affinity, content, high funnel leverage are becoming increasingly important for customer performance and goals.

Use this trends

Success is ensured if you include the listed affiliate marketing trends in your affiliate programme. It doesn't matter if you are an established e-commerce provider or a small business just starting in digital marketing.

We are happy to advise you to understand where and how you should best invest. Get in touch with us >>