DLR Kredit A/S

06/13/2022 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 06/13/2022 03:39

Endelige obligationsvilkår for DLR SNP Fixed Rate July 2026

Offentliggjort: 2022-06-13 11:30:34 CEST

DLR Kredit A/S
Endelige obligationsvilkår

Endelige obligationsvilkår for DLR SNP Fixed Rate July 2026

Obligationstype ISIN-kode Navn Kupon Konvert Udløb
Senior Non-Preferred Note (Fixed Rate) DK0006356340 SNP Fixed Rate July 2026 2,988 N 2026

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DLR Kredit A/S

Vedhæftet fil

Vedlagte filer:
SNP Fixed-Rate Notes July 2026_Final Terms.pdf

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