New Zealand Government

05/19/2022 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 05/18/2022 20:43

Securing the wellbeing of Pacific communities

Budget 2022 further strengthens the economic foundations and wellbeing outcomes for Pacific peoples in Aotearoa, as the recovery from COVID-19 continues.

"The priorities we set for Budget 2022 will support the continued delivery of our commitments for Pacific peoples through the Pacific Wellbeing Strategy, a 2020 manifesto commitment for Pacific Aotearoa," Aupito William Sio said.

"This strategy is aimed at lifting Pacific wellbeing and aspirations in health, housing, education, business, employment, incomes, leadership, Pacific arts, sports, music and STEAM career pathways.

"Our recovery from COVID-19 includes Pacific wellbeing priorities to lift Pacific incomes, skills and opportunities that endures through access to safe, affordable and stable housing.

"Working closely with our Pacific communities to deliver and support Pacific-led responses will be critical to supporting their resilience, recovery, and an accelerated upwards mobility," Aupito William Sio said.

The Pacific package includes:

  • A package to build up to 300 homes over the next 10 years for Pacific families in Eastern Porirua, with initial funding of $49 million in the forecast period.
  • $13.7 million to implement the Government's commitment to deliver a Dawn Raids historical account.
  • $49.9 million for the Pacific Provider Development Fund, to support Pacific providers to adapt their models of care into the new health system.
  • $20 million to implement a diabetes prevention and treatment programme for targeted Pacific communities in South Auckland.
  • $8 million boost to continue the delivery of Tupu Aotearoa, which enables the delivery of personalised Pacific employment and training services.
  • $15.5 million investment into Pacific economic development, which aims to meet community demand for services to support "shovel-ready" Pacific businesses and social enterprises across New Zealand.
  • $1.6 million to maintain the Pacific Work Connect Programme, which supports the continuation of a Pacific migrant support service.
  • $18.3 million boost to the Toloa Science, Technology, Education, Arts and Mathematics programme. This initiative provides opportunities across Pacific peoples journeys through education and employment.
  • $2 million to maintain and grow the Tulī Takes Flight and Pacific Education Foundation Scholarships, to Pacific education scholarships to address education system inequities.
  • $13 million to support the growth of the Pacific bilingual and immersion schooling workforce and the retention of the current workforce.
  • Up to $5m of reprioritised funding over four years to fund further Professional Learning and Development (PLD) focussed on Tapasā: cultural competencies for teachers of Pacific learners.

"Funding from Budget 2022 for initiatives like housing aligns strongly with the Lalanga Fou goals that aim to provide access to more affordable homes for Pacific peoples, which for our nation is an important indicator of economic wellbeing.

"This Government is committed to delivering on its Dawn Raids apology package in this Budget as well. The package will give greater public understanding of what Dawn Raids means to our nation and to enable the Teu le Va- to help restore harmonious relationships of mana and dignity, and empower our young people especially to be resilient, confident and vibrant.

"It includes the Teu le Va Community Fund for community-led multimedia history projects, Ministry for Pacific Peoples-led initiatives to produce a historical account report, a fund for Pacific artists and historians to complete professional arts and history projects and an online Pacific histories platform.

"Pacific peoples signalled that they are seeking meaningful commitment to the Dawn Raids apology, which allows us as a nation to move forward together with alofa (love/care) and fa'aaloalo (respect).

"Budget 2022 will also help accelerate Pacific Aotearoa's economic and social recovery from COVID-19 so that Pacific peoples aren't left behind. The significant investments from Budget 2022 will help us to forge ahead creating jobs and income streams for families.

"The Pacific package further highlights this Government's commitment to supporting Pacific peoples' vision and wellbeing approach by using the Lalanga Fou goals to continue growing thriving, confident and resilient Pacific peoples in Aotearoa New Zealand," Aupito William Sio said.