Democratic Party - Democratic National Committee

09/23/2022 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/23/2022 09:53

WATCH: DNC, DCCC Blast House GOP’s Extreme Agenda Arrow

DNC Chair Jaime Harrison, DCCC Chair Sean Patrick Maloney, and DCCC Red-to-Blue Co-Chair Sara Jacobs held a press call blasting House Republicans' extreme agenda ahead of Kevin McCarthy's "Commitment to America" announcement Friday morning.


"Don't let them fool you. Kevin McCarthy has promised that a Republican majority will pass a national abortion ban… This plan and frankly the agenda they have supported for decades is clear - they are hellbent on stripping us of our freedom to make decisions about our bodies, decisions that should only be made between a person and their doctor," Congresswoman Jacobs said. "The list of tragic, dangerous, and devastating stories could go on and on, and will only get worse if Republicans are in charge."

"The notion of a 'Commitment to America' is a cynical exercise from the party that… almost entirely refused to commit to better roads, better bridges, a party that refused to commit to lower prescription drug costs… didn't commit to standing up to Big Pharma… my goodness, wouldn't even commit to veterans' health care until they were embarrassed into it." Congressman Maloney said. "So the 'Commitment to America' is a cynical excuse for the lack of commitment to the real results that Democrats have delivered."

"Kevin McCarthy, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and House Republicans are going to unveil their agenda… but they've already come out and told us repeatedly exactly what they want to do." Chair Harrison said. "They want to ban abortion nationally, throw doctors in jail, and are even talking about banning some forms of contraceptives… They've promised to repeal key pieces of the Inflation Reduction Act and raise health care costs… And they want to cut Social Security and Medicare."