Presidency of the Republic of Lebanon

06/10/2022 | News release | Archived content

The President tackled general developments with the Secretary-General of the Baath Party.

President Aoun discussed social affairs with Abbot Maalouf and Father Hajjar.

Hijazi: "The discussion with the President focused on the security situation in the Bekaa. There was a proposal to pardon misdemeanors in the Baalbek-Hermel region".

President of the Republic, General Michel Aoun, met Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party Secretary-General, Mr. Ali Hijazi, today at the Presidential Palace.

Current affairs in light of the recent political developments were deliberated.

Mr. Hijazi revealed that the meeting addressed the post-parliamentary elections, the expected constitutional entitlements, relations with Syria, and demarcating the southern maritime borders in light of the Lebanese tendency to resume indirect negotiations.

Mr. Hijazi also indicated that the security situation in general and in the Bekaa region in particular, and a proposal for a general amnesty for misdemeanors in the Baalbek-Hermel region were tackled, provided it does not include those involved in the blood of the army.

Economic affairs in light of the continuous decline and the growing suffering of citizens were also discussed.

Father Elie Maalouf and Father Charbel Hajjar:

The President received former General Head of the Basilian Choueiri Congregation, the current head of the Saint John Monastery in Khenchara, Abbot Elie Maalouf and Father Charbel Hajjar.

Social affairs, the citizens' health and educational needs, and the role of monasticism in this field were addressed.​