Government of the Republic of Nauru 

07/04/2022 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/03/2022 17:00

CORONAVIRUS UPDATE by His Excellency President Lionel Aingimea, MP Saturday, 2 July 2022

CORONAVIRUS UPDATE by His Excellency President Lionel Aingimea, MP Saturday, 2 July 2022



His Excellency President Lionel Aingimea, MP

Saturday, 2 July 2022

In today's update, with heartfelt sadness, His Excellency President Lionel Aingimea announces the first death in Nauru caused by COVID-19 on 1 July. The patient who had pre-existing illness was admitted to the Acute Care Unit and was in a coma before passing away.

President Aingimea expresses deep condolences to the bereaved family.

The general public is reminded that COVID is a deadly virus. Over 6.3 million people around the world have suffered and died from it.

Some may consider this virus to be weak as it may not have had much effect on them, and that is probably because of their good health condition and vaccination security. However, for the safety of others that are vulnerable and the rest of the community, please stay home and away from the public.

If you must go out for essential purposes, please wear a mask, sanitise your hands and keep your distance.

The accumulative statistics as at end of Friday, 1 July, are as follows:

- 250 new cases

- 3,838 active cases

- 679 tests done yesterday (Fri, 1 July)

- 10,956 tests done this outbreak

- 229 cases recovered

- 12 cases admitted in the hospital Acute Care Unit

- 1 death (1 July)

- 0 critical cases

- 0 ventilation

- 429 houses are on lockdown with 3,417 residents

- 169 occupants in the quarantine facilities.

Those isolating at home are requested to continue while damages are repaired at the government quarantine facilities.

For all the tests done in the last 2 weeks, 37 per cent or approximately 1 in 3 people tested positive. Positive cases continue to rise and we urge the public to register your RAT results.

As of Friday 1 July, 677 children ages 5-11 received their vaccination.

The vaccination stations for this group are at Aiue Boulevard or Public Health. Parents and guardians please get your child vaccinated. All children should receive their 2nd dose 3-4 weeks after the 1st dose.

Please remember the basic mandatory rules; face mask, sanitise and keep your distance.

Testing stations are still open at Blues and Tigers ovals and Public Health. For those that are unable to reach these testing sites, you can call 191 for home testing. If you are self-testing, please register your result - both positive and negative, online

You will be asked to state your name, your result and the date you did the test.