DSCC - Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee

09/16/2021 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/16/2021 12:07

IN THE BATTLEGROUNDS: Republicans Called Out For Latest Attack on Roe v. Wade

September 16, 2021 Press Releases

In response to Texas' six-week abortion ban, health care providers, voters and Democrats in key Senate battlegrounds are calling out Republicans' toxic agenda on reproductive health care and the GOP's ongoing efforts to try and strip away health care coverage from women and families--ensuring that this issue will be front and center in the 2022 Senate elections.

Take a look at how Republicans are being held accountable for their toxic records on women's health care:


Outside of the courtroom, the chair of Georgia's Democratic Party says the state's battle over abortion will play out at the ballot box.

Every single Republican U.S. Senate candidate supports this law which makes no exceptions for rape or incest and puts bounties on the heads of doctors.

NH - WMUR: NH Primary Source: Democrats try to tie Sununu to Executive Council's defunding of family planning programs

  • The state Democratic Party, however, contended Sununu is 'directly responsible' for the votes to defund. Calling the council 'Chris Sununu's Executive Council,' the party charged Sununu 'has a long record of supporting policies that threaten women's access to reproductive health care in New Hampshire.'
  • The party noted that Sununu, as an executive councilor, voted to defund Planned Parenthood in 2015.
  • The NHDP cited Sununu's nomination of Gordon MacDonald as chief justice of the state Supreme Court, noting that MacDonald at one point worked for the state Republican Party, which has an anti-abortion plank in its platform.
  • It also cited Sununu's support for former President Donald Trump's nominations of Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanagh to the U.S. Supreme Court, which recently left in place a restrictive Texas abortion law.
  • 'Sununu has done more than any other governor in New Hampshire history to threaten women's health care in this state,' said the NHDP.

NV - This Is Reno: Pro-choice organizations voice opposition to Adam Laxalt

  • The concern voiced by pro-choice groups is that Laxalt's past actions have indicated that he will do he can to undermine reproductive rights-and giving him a seat in the Senate could allow him the opportunity to do that.
  • Laxalt's anti-abortion stance is of concern to some who do not want to allow him the opportunity to undermine reproductive health care rights, in Nevada or at the federal level. His track record on the issue demonstrates he would take any opportunity to do so.
  • Representatives from NARAL Pro-Choice America, the Wild West Access Fund of Nevada and a leader in the push for the passage of Question 7 in 1990 gathered to speak about concerns surrounding the possible infringement of reproductive rights-and to speak out against Laxalt and in favor of Cortez Masto.
  • 'During a time when we had a pro-choice governor, Governor Sandoval, on his own, Adam Laxalt signed our state on to amicus briefs around the country that were challenging reproductive freedom and abortion rights. With a record like this, in the United States Senate he will undermine our protections that we've all fought hard for and that Nevadans support,' she said.
  • 'It is clear what's at stake here in 2022,' Roberson said. 'We must reject Laxalt's anti-choice, sexist agenda. Nevadans need a senator who values reproductive freedom, like Sen. Cortez Masto,' she said. 'Sen.Cortez Masto has been a leader in the Senate advocating for reproductive freedom, and we must re-elect her.'

FL - The Florida Democratic Party released a new digital ad calling Florida Republicans out for their support of Texas' six-week abortion ban:

NC - Planned Parenthood Votes! South Atlantic and NARAL Pro-Choice North Carolina leaders underscored the stakes of the 2022 midterms and the importance of defeating anti-choice candidates in the U.S. Senate race:

  • Planned Parenthood Votes South Atlantic Executive Director Alison Kiser:'With the U.S. Supreme Court now turned against the right to bodily autonomy, the path to protecting access to abortion rests on the shoulders of our elected officials. This very well may be the beginning of a post-Roe reality, and we can no longer count on the courts to protect access to abortion. If North Carolina fails to elect candidates who support reproductive health care next year, we can expect to follow in Texas's footsteps. And if we do not want to see the Supreme Court erode our rights and freedoms for the generations to come, then we must send a leader to the U.S. Senate who will champion reproductive freedom for all.'
  • NARAL Pro-Choice NC Advocacy and Organizing Manager Lynne Walter:'Since Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973, access to abortion has been under constant attack at the state and federal levels. Over the last several years in particular, we've seen numerous extreme abortion bans filed and passed into law in states across the country, including Texas' SB 8. With an anti-abortion U.S. Supreme Court that is exceptionally hostile to both reproductive freedom and their own precedents and procedures, now, more than ever, we need a U.S. Senator from North Carolina who wholeheartedly supports abortion access and bodily autonomy and who will push for federal legislation that codifies Roe and ensures access to abortion for everyone.'

See also: AJC: OPINION: Texas decision puts abortion at center of Georgia 2022 races, too; News & Observer: Texas law, Supreme Court cases push abortion into spotlight for 2022 NC elections; USA Today: Texas abortion law could hurt Republicans in 2022 midterm elections, experts say; The Hill: Democrats, Planned Parenthood say reproductive health care is on 2022 ballot; Bloomberg: GOP-Led Abortion Bans Risk Driving Away Voters the Party Needs; The Atlantic: What the Texas Abortion Law Means for the Midterms; The Hill (Opinion): Press: Texas hands Democrats a great big gift; Axios: Democrats' next moves after a stunning SCOTUS loss on abortion; Newsweek: Republicans Are Not Celebrating the Texas Abortion Law. Here's Why; CNN: Opinion: The GOP's Texas-sized mistake on abortion; Washington Post: Analysis | Abortion, voting rights, guns and covid: Texas Republicans go all in; Roll Call: Democrats say Texas abortion ban spotlights Senate battle in 2022; MSNBC: Texas abortion ban reverberates from White House to state houses; NBC News: Texas law could flip script on abortion politics, with Democrats eyeing gains; New York Times: Abortion Arrives at the Center of the American Political Maelstrom; Washington Post: ā€‹ā€‹Texas abortion law reshapes political landscape; Reuters: Analysis: Texas abortion ban injects new urgency into U.S. election campaigns; Los Angeles Times: How the Supreme Court Texas abortion ruling may impact midterms; The Hill: Democrats point to Texas abortion ban in bid to juice midterm turnout; Washington Post: Analysis | The Trailer: Why Democrats want to talk about Texas's abortion law (and Republicans don't).
