Financial Supervisory Authority

02/18/2022 | Press release | Archived content

Press statement of Mr. NIcu Marcu,The president of ASF...

The President of the Financial Supervisory Authority, Mr. Nicu Marcu: "Following the analysis of the evolution of the MTPL market and the impact of speculative trends on consumers, the Board of the Financial Supervisory Authority decided to submit to the Ministry of Finance a proposal for a Government Decision on limiting MTPL tariffs to reference tariffs. For the protection of consumers and for the stability of the markets it supervises, the Authority makes use of all the legislative and regulatory resources at its disposal, together with the Romanian Government and other state authorities. We believe that the Government will take into account as soon as possible the proposal submitted, precisely in order to protect the population against inflationary or speculative tendencies".

București, 18 February 2022