Mimecast Limited

05/12/2022 | News release | Distributed by Public on 05/12/2022 08:54

An Integrated Cybersecurity Approach Is No Longer a Choice

Organizations Have Many Attack Vectors to Consider

No single cybersecurity tool will completely protect any organization from today's onslaught of cyberattacks. Long gone is the time when an IT team could purchase and implement antivirus software and expect the organization to be secure from cyberattacks.

And while most cyberattacks enter organizations via email, there are many other attack vectors to consider when evaluating cybersecurity solutions. Malicious links and files can arrive via messaging apps, collaboration software, removable media like thumb drives, employee's personal devices, public Wi-Fi networks, software downloads, or by clicking a bad URL.

With Many Solutions Comes the Need to Integrate

The bottom line is that every organization is going to need more than one cybersecurity solution to stop every attack from every attack vector, and even still, threats might get through. In fact, a recent Infosecurity Magazine article cited a study that found the average organization is now managing 76 security tools, up from 64 just two years earlier.

In order to have the best chance of identifying and stopping advanced threats, organizations need to integrate as many of the cybersecurity products in which they have invested as possible.

The Benefits of Cybersecurity Integration

Analyzing the types of security tools that are needed is a great first step but deploying those tools without integrating them is much less effective. A properly integrated set of security tools will collect data at the point of attack and then share that data with all the other tools in the organization's arsenal. An organization's firewall, wireless network security appliances, intrusion detection systems, email security solutions, and antivirus software should all be integrated so that they work together. And while each of these tools performs a very specific task in the security spectrum, if these tools are not integrated, they end up working in isolated silos, limiting the organization's overall security.

For example, if an email security tool discovers a threat that has arrived via email, it should not only quarantine other instances of the same email and malicious files, but it should also alert the organization's other security tools to be on the lookout for the same file should the treat attempt to enter the organization through another attack vector such as a messaging app or collaboration software.

RSA Conference On-Demand Sessions

Professionals wanting to learn more about integrating security tools should look to this year's RSA Conference On-Demand Sessions. The RSA Conference is one of the most sought-after tickets in cybersecurity. But, for those who cannot attend in person, RSA offers a digital pass with remote access to keynote and on-demand sessions.

During this year's conference, Mimecast's VP of Ecosystem & Alliances Jules Martin and Senior Director, Technology Alliance & API Program Joseph Tibbetts will be joining the list of on-demand session presenters.

An Integrated Approach

Mimecast will be presenting Why an Integrated Approach to Cybersecurity Is No Longer a Choice. Threats have changed over the years and so have the targets and speed of attacks. It's not just the organization's email gateway that is at risk, but also the organization's employees, customers, supply chain, and business reputation. It takes just one breach to compromise an organization and damage their reputation.

The session will cover how and why organizations should consider an integrated approach to IT security and how Mimecast can help achieve integration.

Technology executives have been talking about APIs and integrations for years now-decades, in some cases. And for good reason, especially in cybersecurity: Application programming interfaces establish a foundation for communication and have provided many opportunities for improving threat intelligence, expanding automation and accelerating response. We were early believers, so Mimecast exposed virtually all of our key functionality through hundreds of fully-documented APIs and built one of the industry's most extensive integration libraries.

Yet many customer organizations are still struggling to leverage these capabilities and haven't achieved the ubiquitous, seamless integration they need to defend against state-of-the-art attacks in real-time. We are better together and organizations that focus on integrating their security tools will fare far better than organizations that do not.

Join the Session

We encourage anyone who is attending the RSA Conference this year remotely to join this exciting and informative session to learn more about an integrated approach to cybersecurity.

If You're Attending in Person

If you're lucky enough to be attending RSA Conference in person, we encourage you to check out the Smarter XDR Demands Email Security session on June 7, 2022 at 5:00 PM PDT in the North Expo Hall Briefing Center. Attendees will learn just how beneficial the joining of XDR and email security can be for organizations of all sizes.

We also hope that you will stop by the Mimecast booth #1049 in the Moscone South Expo Hall. We'll be featuring live product demonstrations and other presentations by Mimecast's team of experts throughout the conference. We'll be sure to show you how Mimecast cloud cybersecurity products and services for email, data, and web can help your organization. Plus, if you've recently been the victim of a breach, we're happy to hear your story and see how we can help.

If you are interested in visiting Mimecast in-person at RSA Conference, or would like to learn more about attending the event virtually, visit the RSA Conference 2022 Registration page.