Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Sweden

06/10/2021 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 06/10/2021 08:41

Nordic ministerial meeting on vaccine production cooperation

At the Government's initiative, Minister for Enterprise and Innovation Ibrahim Baylan and Minister for Foreign Trade and Nordic Affairs Anna Hallberg met with colleagues from Denmark, Finland, Iceland and Norway on 9 June to discuss opportunities to strengthen and create synergies in Nordic vaccine production.

The global crisis caused by the pandemic has made it clear that international cooperation is needed to be able to quickly tackle future pandemics. Sweden has therefore invited Nordic ministers to a dialogue to find synergies and utilise the existing capacity of Sweden and its Nordic neighbours - which can be further developed jointly in the region.

'Through deeper Nordic cooperation, the Government sees great opportunities to improve pandemic preparedness and at the same time strengthen the Nordic region as a global leader in life sciences,' says Mr Baylan.

Last year, the Government instructed Vinnova to analyse Sweden's innovation and production capacity for vaccines and other biopharmaceuticals. Vinnova's recent report on the assignment highlighted the possibility of examining the conditions for deeper partnership with our Nordic neighbours.

'Nordic cooperation stretches far back in time and is a strength we should always build on. When we work together, we create solutions, increase our Nordic competitiveness and become a more attractive region,' says Ms Hallberg.

At Wednesday's meeting, the Government raised Sweden's proposal for a joint pilot study in the form of Nordic government cooperation. The cooperation is proposed to show how the countries' available resources and planned investments can be coordinated and congregated into a pan-Nordic pool of resources that strengthens preparedness, capacity and expertise for the production of vaccines and biopharmaceuticals.