
CPDC – China Petrochemical Development Corp.

01/15/2022 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/14/2022 21:56

Announcement of the change of Institutional Director from BES Machinery Co., LTD. to BES Engineering Co. due to their proposed merger.

Today's Information

SEQ_NO 1 Date of announcement 2022/01/15 Time of announcement 11:54:17
 Announcement of the change of Institutional
Director from BES Machinery Co., LTD. to BES Engineering
Co. due to their proposed merger.
Date of events 2022/01/14 To which item it meets paragraph 6
1.Date of occurrence of the change:NA
2.Elected or changed position (Please enter institutional director,
institutional supervisor, independent director, natural-person director or
natural-person supervisor):Institutional director
3.Title and name of the previous position holder:
   BES Machinery Co., LTD. / Representative: Jiun-Nan Bai
4.Resume of the previous position holder:
   Senior Specialist, Council for Economic Planning and Development,
   Executive Yuan / Vice President, Bank of Communications / Chairman,
   Core Pacific Securities Investment Trust
5.Title and name of the new position holder:
   BES Engineering Co. / Representative: To be appointed
6.Resume of the new position holder:N/A
7.Circumstances of change (Please enter ��resignation��, ��dismissal��,
��term expired��, ��death�� or ��new appointment��):Dismissal
8.Reason for the change:
   BES Engineering Corporation and BES Machinery Co., Ltd. approved to
   merge. After the merger, scheduled to be effective on March 25, 2022,
   BES Machinery Co., Ltd. will cease to exist, and BES Engineering Co.
   the surviving company will continue as the institutional director of
   CPDC, with the representative to be appointed.
9.Number of shares held by the new position holder when elected:
10.Original term (from __________ to __________):
   From 2021/7/2 to 2024/7/1
11.Effective date of the new appointment:2022/3/25
12.Turnover rate of directors of the same term:11.11%
13.Turnover rate of independent directors of the same term:N/A
14.Turnover rate of supervisors of the same term:N/A
15.Change in one-third or more of directors (Please enter ��Yes�� or
16.Any other matters that need to be specified:
   The merger will be effective on 2022/3/25.