City of Boulder, CO

04/19/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 04/19/2024 14:36

Boulder starts construction on 30th Street between Colorado and Arapahoe Avenues

The City of Boulder will begin construction on 30th Street between Colorado and Arapahoe avenues as part of the 30th Street Corridor Multimodal Improvements Project, one of several projects to improve travel for all along 30th Street and Colorado Avenue. Work is anticipated to start on Monday, April 22, and end in spring 2025.

This project will build sidewalk-level protected bike lanes as part of a north/south bike connection across town for people of all ages and abilities. It will also widen sidewalks, plant new landscaping, and improve transit stops.

Travelers can expect periodic delays and flaggers guiding traffic; impacts to the vehicle lanes, with single lane closures as needed; RTD Bound stop impacts; and detours for people walking and biking. Community members can continue to access nearby neighborhoods, businesses and Scott Carpenter Park throughout construction. View a construction-free route mapfor suggested bike and pedestrian detours or the city's Cone Zones mapfor updates on traffic impacts.


A map of construction-free routes. On-street and off-street walk/bike construction-free routes extend on existing multi-use paths and sidewalks outside of the construction limits: 30th Street from Arapahoe Avenue to Colorado Avenue and Colorado Avenue from Regent Drive to just west of 30th Street.

This location is one of the areas with the highest number of severe crashes in the city. Improvements support the Vision Zero Action Planto eliminate severe crashes. This is one of several projects to improve multimodal transportation - walking, biking, driving and taking the bus - on streets identified in the 30th and Colorado Corridors Studyand the Core Arterial Network (CAN)- Boulder's connected system of multimodal transportation improvements along the city's main corridors that will help reduce the potential for severe crashes and make it more comfortable and convenient for people to get where they need to go.

This project is funded by city and partners, including the Federal Highway Administration, the Colorado Department of Transportation, and CU Boulder. Learn more on the project webpage.