EC - Empresas Copec SA

06/29/2021 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 06/29/2021 09:08

Abastible and TECHO-Chile launch campaign “Chile Comparte Calor”

With the arrival of winter, cold and rain worry many families in the country, especially the most vulnerable ones who, in times of pandemic, must make a huge effort to obtain sources of energy and shelter.

Against this backdrop, and in order to help these people, Abastible, for the second consecutive year, took part in the 'Chile Comparte Calor' campaign, committing itself with an initial donation of 4,500 gas refills. This contribution will go directly to families, community kitchens and camps throughout the country.

In this regard, Julio Vidal, Abastible's Sustainability Manager, said: 'For us, this initiative is fully identified with our vocation to work for the welfare of communities. We are very proud to once again be part of this alliance with TECHO, as it allows us to contribute to improving the quality of life of the most vulnerable people, especially children, the elderly and families living in camps that are being affected'.

This solidarity crusade is part of the emergency campaign 'Chile Comparte 2021', which seeks to finance at least one thousand basic homes, in addition to repairs and improvements to face the winter, deliver more than 12 thousand gas refills and support more than 100 community kitchens with which TECHO works. Contributions can be made on the website