German Competition Authority

09/01/2021 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/01/2021 09:49

Bundeskartellamt clears Klambt’s participation in MZV

Date of issue:01.09.2021

The Bundeskartellamthas cleared plans by the magazine publisher Klambt to participate in the joint venture Moderner Zeitschriften-Vertriebpreviously controlled by FUNKE Mediengruppeand Burda.

The authority specifically examined the notified acquisition of a 31.67% share in Moderner Zeitschriften-Vertrieband in Export-Import Zeitschriften-Vertriebby Medienholding Klambt . Both target companies are active in the so-called 'national distribution' for magazine and newspaper publishers. They provide their customers with services related to the distribution of their media products. These include quantity planning, dispatch and logistics, accounting and distributing the magazines and newspapers to press wholesalers and railway station bookshops. So far, has been jointly controlled by FUNKE Mediengruppeand Hubert Burda Media Holding . After the merger, FUNKE, Burda and Klambt will exercise joint control over

Andreas Mundt, President of the Bundeskartellamt: 'Since Klambt has previously only distributed its own newspapers and magazines and has not provided any third-party services on the relevant market, the merger is not expected to significantly impede effective competition and could thus be cleared without in-depth investigations.'

Press release (pdf)