Mike Gallagher

07/15/2021 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/15/2021 09:08

Gallagher Resolution Condemning CCP's Human Rights Abuses Gets PSC Endorsement

Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI) today applauded the Problem Solvers Caucus' decision to endorse his bipartisan resolution condemning the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) 100 years of human rights abuses against its own people. Gallagher introduced the resolutionahead of the CCP's centenary on July 1, 2021, and has called on Speaker Pelosito bring the bipartisan resolution to the House floor for a vote.

Gallagher, a member of the Problem Solvers Caucus, brought the resolution before the caucus alongside Rep. Jared Golden (D-ME), who is also a member of the Problem Solvers Caucus and an original co-sponsor of the resolution. The resolution garnered support from at least 75% of the caucus' members to receive an official endorsement.

'This bipartisan vote is an important step forward and shows that Republicans and Democrats can unite behind calling out the CCP for its history of mass imprisonment, torture, and genocide. It's time to bring this resolution to the House floor so Congress can not only condemn the Party's crimes against humanity, but also send a message of overwhelming support to all the victims of the CCP's century of repression,' said Rep. Gallagher.

The resolution supports the inherent right of the Chinese people to self-determination and free political expressionism independent of one-party rule, and denounces the CCP's egregious record of human rights violations, including:

  • The Chinese Communist Party's massive land reform movement campaign, in which Mao Zedong claimed to have beaten and murdered as many as 2 to 3 million landlords and others deemed to be of the ''bourgeoisie.'
  • Mao Zedong's ''Great Leap Forward,' which collectivized Chinese agriculture and resulted in a catastrophic famine that killed as many as 20 to 40 million citizens -- one of the worst man-made catastrophes in history.
  • Mao Zedong's cultural revolution, which saw the arbitrary arrest, torture, and execution of an estimated 1 to 35 million citizens.
  • The butchering of students and protestors demanding greater freedoms in the Tiananmen Square Massacre in the spring of 1989.
  • The grotesque human rights abuses against Uyghurs and other ethnic minorities in Xinjiang, where over one million Uyghurs have been refined to concentration camps and forced to give up their religious and cultural practices.

In recognition of the gravity of the actions of the Chinese Communist Party, the resolution calls on the United States and like-minded allies and partners to support human rights in the People's Republic of China, such as the use of technology to support and enable free expression and information. It acknowledges the US House of Representatives looks forward to the day that the CCP no longer exists.

Problem Solvers Caucus members released the following statements after endorsing the resolution.

'As we have seen from COVID-19, the Chinese Communist Party has consistently, intentionally, and maliciously misled the rest of the world about its true objectives and intentions. This centenary gives us the somber opportunity to reflect upon the tragedies and human rights abuses that the Chinese Communist Party has inflicted upon the Chinese people and other nations. We must urgently hold the oppressive CCP accountable,' said Problem Solvers Caucus Co-Chair Brian Fitzpatrick.'The CCP is the greatest external threat to American national security interests and a scourge on humanity that must be confronted on all fronts for the sake of our future prosperity.'

'There's no question that China must be held accountable for its grave human rights violations and failures to abide by international norms and standards. That's why the United States must continue to work with our allies and partners to highlight China's ongoing, egregious abuses in Xinjiang and crackdown in Hong Kong, as well as mobilize the international community to prevail on China to alter its behavior. Issues with the CCP do not end here though - China continues to be responsible for stealing American intellectual property and the Chinese government cannot be fully trusted to come forth with accurate information about the origins of the outbreak of COVID-19. I am proud to support bipartisan efforts in Congress to address the full range of challenges posed by China under the CCP, including threats to the universal values of freedom and human rights,' said Problem Solvers Caucus Co-Chair Josh Gottheimer.

'The Chinese Communist Party brutally represses its own people - from pro-democracy citizens in Hong Kong to Uyghurs and other religious minorities - and has not been shy about trying to spread its influence beyond its borders,' said Rep. Jared Golden. 'It's important that we stay vigilant and stand up to this authoritarian regime when necessary, and I'm glad to help lead members of Congress in coming together across party lines to condemn it.'

'In just 100 years, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has risen from a radical idea to the base of an authoritarian regime that uses its power to abuse its people and wreak havoc across the globe,' said Rep. Anthony Gonzalez. I made a commitment to my constituents that I would stand up for them against China and I am proud to support this bipartisan resolution condemning the CCP's 100 year long reign of terror and deception.'

'America will never back down from authoritarian regimes and never hesitate to condemn human rights abuses,' said Rep. Elaine Luria. 'The Chinese Communist Party has a chilling record of silencing free expression by force and subjugating its people. In recent years, the CCP's military buildup and extortion diplomacy should be seen as a threat for democracies across the globe. Not only must we condemn the CCP, we must strengthen our national defense to protect the world from its growing influence.'

'For 100 years, the Chinese Communist Party has engaged in appalling human rights abuses against its own citizens,' said Rep. John Katko. 'That's why, I'm joining my colleagues on the bipartisan Problem Solvers Caucus in this effort condemning the Chinese Communist Party. As a member of the Problem Solvers Caucus and as Ranking Member on the House Committee on Homeland Security, I will continue working with both parties to hold China accountable.'

'For decades, the Chinese Communist Party has defied the very notion of basic human rights. From forced labor camps of millions of ethnic Uyghurs, to surveillance and detention of Tibetan Buddhists, to crackdowns on pro-democracy protestors in Hong Kong, the Chinese Communist Party has shown us how they abuse people within its borders,' said Rep. Tom Suozzi. 'Now they want to spread their influence across the globe. H. Res. 500 is an important step in the United States Congress recognizing and addressing these issues. I stand with my colleagues in declaring that the Chinese Communist Party's repression and abuse has no place in our world.'

'For 100 years, the Chinese Communist Party has subjugated the Chinese people to ineffective one-party rule, silenced political dissidents, and committed glaring human rights abuses against minority populations - most notably the Uyghur Muslims,' said Rep. Fred Upton. 'This anniversary is no time for celebration. It is a real reminder to the world that freedom is a gift and democracy is precious. We must endeavor to safeguard and expand these privileges here at home and abroad.'

'This bipartisan resolution sends an important message: we condemn the Chinese Communist Party's horrific human rights violations and stand with the Chinese people in their fight for self-determination,' said Rep. Chris Pappas. 'I will always stand with those who are persecuted and work to hold China accountable for actions that undermine the fundamental rights and freedoms of its people.'

'For 100 years, the Chinese Communist Party has committed ongoing human rights violations against tens of millions of victims. The U.S. and our allies must support the human rights of the Chinese people. The Chinese people have every right to the freedoms they are currently being denied at the hands of the CCP,' said Rep. Tom Rice.

'It is incumbent upon Americans to support the Chinese people as they fight for liberty from communist rule and stand with those who brutally suffer from extreme oppression and human rights violations,' said Rep. Blake Moore. 'The world watches in horror as one million Uighurs suffer in concentration camps and the people of Hong Kong experience a brutal crackdown from the Chinese state police. I will continue to work with my colleagues to condemn the actions of the Chinese Communist Party and promote freedom in China and across the globe.'

'Over the last hundred years, the Chinese Communist Party has committed atrocious violations of human rights towards its own citizens,' said Rep. Tony Gonzales. 'As a leader on the world stage and defender of freedom, the United States must vehemently condemn these actions.'

'For the last one-hundred years the Chinese Communist Party committed atrocious human rights violations against their own people. I'm proud to join my colleagues in the Problem Solvers Caucus as we condemn the inhumane torture and oppression on behalf of the CCP and work to give Chinese citizens the freedoms they deserve,' said Rep. Van Taylor.

'The CCP's centennial is a reminder of its long history of human rights violations. As the CCP refuses to cooperate with investigations regarding the origins of COVID-19, we must not waver in holding the CCP accountable. I look forward to working with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to hold the CCP accountable and support the Chinese people and global human rights,' said Rep. Young Kim.

'We are proud to be a part of this resolution condemning the human rights violations of the Chinese Communist Party,'said Rep. Tom Reed. 'As Americans and simply as human beings, we must stand up for the rights and freedoms of people across the world - and this is one important way we can show our support for those who are suffering in China.'

In addition to Reps. Gallagher and Golden, the resolution's original co-sponsors include Reps. Michael McCaul (R-TX), Ruben Gallego (D-AZ), Elise Stefanik (R-NY), and Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ).

Click HEREfor text of the resolution.