Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan

15/03/2021 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 15/03/2021 17:33

Open dialogue on the topic of openness and transparency of statistical information

On March 13 this year, at the 'Wyndham' Hotel, the Goskomstat team took part in a training seminar 'Fundamentals of Business Journalism', organized at the initiative of the Global Media Agency of the United States of America.

Under the leadership of the Chairman of the State Committee on Statistics Begalov Bakhodir Abdusalomovich, an open dialogue was held between the committee team and the leading multimedia journalist of the US global media agency 'Voice of America' Navbahor Imamova and more than 30 journalists of the country's leading mass media on the topic of openness and transparency of statistical data.

At the beginning, Deputy Chairman of the State Committee on Statistics Ziyadullaev Mahmudjon Dzhurakulovich made a report on the ongoing reforms in the system of statistics and the activities of the committee.

As part of a new stage of reforms carried out in our country, systemic reforms were carried out to develop the National Statistical Sphere, in particular, to ensure openness and transparency of statistical information.

As noted, in 20 sections of the updated official website of the committee, more than two million summaries of socio-economic statistical indicators are published in the form of 279 tables.

During the year, Goskomtstat generates more than 150 monthly, quarterly and annual press releases in various areas and is published on the official website of the committee in 3 languages. Also, statistical compilations are published on 20 branches and spheres of the economy. The expanded General Data Dissemination System of the International Monetary Fund publishes 422 collections of macroeconomic, financial and social statistical indicators of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 24 directions.

In addition, as a result of the work carried out to improve one of the main criteria for openness - the National Open Data Portal, which is generally recognized at the international level, the number of data sets published on the open data portal has exceeded 10 thousand.

Also in his report, M. Ziyadullaev noted that systematic work is underway to organize at a high level a number of major events facing the State Statistics Committee 'Population Census', 'Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys', 'Agricultural Census', 'International Comparison Program' and others.

After that, an open dialogue and heated discussion began. Chairman of the State Committee on Statistics Begalov Bakhodir Abdusalomovich, answering questions of interest to journalists about the statistics and activities of the committee, noted that it is necessary to show special care when publishing and analyzing data. In particular, it was recognized that the statistical indicators published monthly on the official website of the committee, which some publications publish under the heading 'Information disclosed', misinterpret the official information of the committee and create a stir among the public, without contacting the experts of the committee for comments on this matter. do not correspond to a professional journalistic position.

As the chairman of the State Committee on Statistics noted, the role of the media in ensuring openness and transparency of statistical information is also invaluable. Therefore, specialization in journalism is of paramount importance, both for covering the branches of the economy and for analyzing them in a form understandable to the public. For example, an agricultural specialist can do a good job of analyzing an industry.

Following the results of the open dialogue, the Head of the Committee noted the constant readiness of the committee team for such practically significant meetings, press conferences and round tables, and this will be a worthy contribution to ensuring the openness and transparency of the work carried out in the system.