Mowi ASA

05/11/2022 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 05/10/2022 22:33

Mowi ASA (OSE: MOWI): Quarterly dividend

Tid11.05.2022, 04:31:00
MarkedOslo Børs
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Mowi ASA (OSE: MOWI): Quarterly dividend

The Board of Mowi ASA has resolved on 10 May 2022 to make a quarterly
distribution to shareholders of NOK 1.95 per share, consisting of NOK 1.44 per
share in ordinary dividend and NOK 0.51 per share in extraordinary dividend.

Mowi ASA's shares listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange will be traded including
dividend up to and including 19 May 2022. Mowi ASA's shares listed on the Oslo
Stock Exchange will be traded excluding dividend from and including 20 May
2022. Mowi ASA's shares listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange will have a Record
Date of 23 May 2022. The expected payment date is 31 May 2022.

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section
5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.