Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China

11/17/2021 | News release | Distributed by Public on 11/18/2021 05:50

Li Keqiang Attends the World Economic Forum Special Virtual Dialogue with Global Business Leaders

On the evening of November 16, 2021, Premier Li Keqiang attended the World Economic Forum Special Virtual Dialogue with Global Business Leaders, delivered remarks and had discussions with representatives of business leaders at the Great Hall of the People. The dialogue, held via video link, was chaired by Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum Klaus Schwab, and attended by nearly 400 entrepreneurs from over 40 countries.

Li Keqiang said in his remarks, the world today faces flare-ups in the pandemic, sluggish economic recovery due to lack of growth drivers, and rising factors of instability and uncertainty. President Xi Jinping put forward the vision for building a community with a shared future for mankind. China is willing to work with all parties to fight against the pandemic, boost economic recovery, and keep the industrial and supply chains stable and unimpeded. China will firmly uphold the basic norms governing international relations underpinned by the UN Charter, safeguard the WTO-centered multilateral trading system, and enhance the liberalization and facilitation of trade and investment. It will strengthen international macro policy coordination, uphold global financial stability, and promote steady recovery of the world economy.

Li Keqiang introduced the current economic situation in China. He said, since the start of this year, we have coordinated COVID-19 response with economic and social development, maintained the overall momentum of economic recovery, but we also face new downward pressure. China is the biggest developing country, and the fundamentals sustaining its long-term economic growth remain unchanged. China's market entities have reached 150 million, creating over 700 million jobs, which explains why China's economy remains resilient and vibrant, and strongly stabilizes employment. We will maintain a stable macroeconomic operation, refrain from unleashing a deluge of strong stimulus policies, take the needs of market entities into consideration when making and implementing macro policies, roll out more combined tax and fee cut measures in a timely manner, deepen reforms to streamline administration, delegate powers, and improve regulation, fuel market vitality and internal driving forces for economic growth, and help market entities, especially the large number of small, medium and micro-sized enterprises, overcome difficulties. We will follow the requirements of grounding our work in the new stage of development, applying the new development philosophy, fostering a new pattern of development and pursuing high-quality development, enhance cross-cyclical adjustments, keep major economic indicators within an appropriate range, and ensure long-term and steady growth of the economy.

Li Keqiang pointed out, China's economy has been deeply integrated into the world economy. Opening-up is a fundamental state policy of China. China will unswervingly expand opening-up, promote multi-field and multi-level international cooperation, create a business environment that is market-orientated, law-based and up to international standards, treat various market entities equally, and protect intellectual property rights in accordance with the law. China, a big global market and an important investment destination, welcomes enterprises from around the world to invest and do business here.

Li Keqiang appreciates foreign enterprises' support for China's reform, opening-up and modernization drive, and emphasizes that the world economy will embrace a bright future as long as we confront difficulties with confidence and uphold openness, inclusiveness, solidarity and coordination.

Following his remarks, Li Keqiang answered the questions of entrepreneurs. While talking about the energy supply issue, Li Keqiang said, to address recent shortages of electricity and coal, a series of measures have been taken and the energy shortage has been relieved, with the future energy supply guaranteed. On the basis of our national conditions, we will promote a low-carbon transition in a balanced and orderly manner on the precondition of ensuring a stable and safe energy supply. He also answered the questions related to green development, medical service and health care, and urbanization.

Wang Yi and He Lifeng attended this activity.