European Parliament

09/16/2021 | Press release | Archived content

EP Today

Thursday, 16 September

Live coverage of debates and votes can be found on Parliament's webstreaming and on EbS+.

For detailed information on the session, please also see our newsletter.

All information regarding plenary, including speakers' lists, can be found here.

Resolution on threats to media freedom and the rule of law in Poland

Following yesterday's debate, MEPs will vote on a resolution that is set to criticise the proposed new broadcasting legislation in Poland and the latest legal challenge to EU rules and values in the country. Results will be announced at 16.30.

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Humanitarian and security situation in Afghanistan

After a debate with EU Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borrell on Tuesday, Parliament will vote on a resolution on how the EU should react to the unfolding situation in the country, how it can help vulnerable people and those in need of protection - particularly women and children - and how to engage with the Taliban. Results will be announced at 16.30.

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Relations with Russia and China

At 9.00, the results on resolutions on relations with Russia and China will be announced. The draft text on Russia calls the country a 'stagnating authoritarian kleptocracy', and demands that the EU be prepared to not recognise the Russian parliament if the September elections are conducted in violation of democratic principles and international law. The draft resolution on China calls for continued talks with the country on global challenges like climate change and health crises, while raising concerns over systemic human rights violations, and monitoring and tackling Chinese disinformation.

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In brief:

Human rights and democracy resolutions. MEPs will hold urgent debates and vote on resolutions on: the Government crackdown on protests and citizens in Cuba, the case of human rights defender Ahmed Mansoor in UAE and the situation in Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya. Results will be announced at 16.30.

COVID-19 vaccines. At 14.30, MEPs will discuss with the Commission an oral question from the Petitions Committee on EU transparency in the development, purchase and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines. A resolution will be put to the vote during the October session.

Social protection for platform workers. Plenary is set to adopt a resolution highlighting the precariousness and poor working conditions endured by some of those working for digital labour platforms. The draft text calls for drivers, delivery riders and others to get the same rights and social protection as traditional employees. The vote results will be announced at 9.00.


At 9.00, results from yesterday evening's voting session will be announced, among other things, on final votes on:

  • EU-Russia political relations;
  • a new EU-China strategy;
  • fair working conditions and social protection for platform workers;
  • ending the use of animals in research and testing;
  • banning the use of certain antimicrobials on animals; and
  • guidelines for the employment policies of the member states.

The first voting session will take place between 9.30 and 10.45, where MEPs will cast their final vote on:

  • a legislative initiative calling on the Commission to include gender-based violence as a new area of crime in EU law.

The result will be announced at 13.00.

The second voting session will take place between 13.45 and 15.00, with results announced at 16.30 on:

  • threats to media freedom and rule of law in Poland;
  • the humanitarian and security situation in Afghanistan;
  • the situation in Lebanon;
  • the exchange of tax information between member states;
  • setting up an independent EU ethics body;
  • the government crackdown on protests and citizens in Cuba;
  • the case of human rights defender Ahmed Mansoor in UAE; and
  • the situation in Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya.


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