COPEL - Companhia Paranaense de Energia

06/15/2021 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 06/15/2021 04:43

Anticipation of the Start of Commercial Operation – SHP Bela Vista (Form 6-K)

Anticipation of the Start of Commercial Operation - SHP Bela Vista

Companhia Paranaense de Energia - COPEL ('Company'), a company that generates, transmits, distributes and trades energy, with shares listed on B3 SA - Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão (CPLE3, CPLE5, CPLE6, CPLE11), on NYSE (ELP) and LATIBEX (XCOP, XCOPO, XCOPU), hereby announces to its shareholders and the market in general that on June 12, 2021, it entered into commercial operation the first generating unit of the Bela Vista Small Hydroelectric Plant ('SHP Bela Vista') with 9.8 MW of installed capacity, as per Order number 1,729 of the ANEEL, published today.

Being 100% owned by Copel GeT, SHP Bela Vista has investments of approximately R$200 million and will have an installed capacity of 29.8 MW when the three generating units are in operation.

14.7 MW of the Bela Vista SHP were sold at the 28th New Energy Auction (A-6) of Aneel, at the price of R$ 195.70/MWh, annually readjusted by the IPCA, with the start of supply scheduled for January 1, 2024.

Starting in August 2019, the works will be completed by the end of the third quarter of 2021, approximately two and a half years before the start of the deadline for delivery of the contracted supply, thus allowing all the energy produced by SHP Bela Vista until December 2023, be marketed in the Free Environment (ACL).

The anticipation of completion of this project reflects the commitment assumed by management to the continuous improvement of the Copel group's efficiency and the sustainable growth of its businesses.

Curitiba, June 14, 2021.

Adriano Rudek de Moura

Chief Financial and Investor Relations Officer

For further information, please contact the Investor Relations team:

[email protected] or +55 41 3331-4011