Dur Hospitality Co. SJSC

11/10/2021 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 11/10/2021 13:08

إعلان شركة دور للضيافة عن دعوة مساهميها إلى حضور اجتماع الجمعية العامة غير العادية (الاجتماع الأول) (حضورياً وعن طريق وسائل التقنية الحديثة)

Dur Hospitality Company invites its Shareholders to attend the Extraordinary General Assembly (First Meeting) (by personal attendance, and through means of modern technology).

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Element List Explanation
Introduction Board of Directors of Dur Hospitality is pleased to invite the shareholders to attend the Extraordinary General Assembly meeting (First Meeting) (by personal attendance, and by modern means of communications, in order to ensure the safety of the company shareholders and in an effort to support the efforts and preventive measures taken by the competent and relevant health authorities in relation to addressing the coronavirus (COVID-19), and as an extension of the continuous efforts made by all government agencies in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia), which is determined to be held at 7:30 (May Allah will) on Sunday 01/05/1443H corresponding to 05 Dec. 2021
City and Location of the General Assembly's Meeting The general assembly will be held by personal presence in Riyadh city at the diplomatic quarter, and in addition to that the meeting will also be virtual through modern means of communication for shareholders intending to attend the meeting online.
URL for the Meeting Location https://goo.gl/maps/Xrz4dijx2BTEqYpv9
Date of the General Assembly's Meeting 2021-12-05 Corresponding to 1443-05-01
Time of the General Assembly's Meeting 19:30
Attendance Eligibility Shareholders Registered in the Issuer's Shareholders Registry in the Depository Centre At the End of the Trading Session Preceding the General Assembly's Meeting as per Laws and Regulations.
Quorum for Convening the General Assembly's Meeting According to Article (30) of the company's articles of association, the extraordinary general assembly meeting is valid if attended by shareholders representing at least half of the capital. If the necessary quorum is not available to hold this meeting, the second meeting will be held an hour after the end of the period specified for convening the first meeting, and the second meeting will be valid if attended by shareholders representing at least a quarter of the company capital.
General Assembly Meeting Agenda 1. Voting for election of the Board members from among the candidates for the next term, commencing from 01/01/2022 G. for a term of three years, ending on 31/12/2024 G. (Candidates' CVs attached)

2. Voting on the formation of the Audit Committee, and the definition of its duties, work regulations and remuneration of its members for the new term, starting from 01/01/2022 G. until the end of the term on 31/12/2024 G. The following are the names of the candidates, (whose CVs are attached):

1- Talal bin Abdulmohsen Al Malafikh

2- Abdulrahman bin Abdullah Al Duhaim.

3- Ibrahim bin Salem Al Rwais.

4- Abdullah bin Tariq Al Gasabi

3. Voting on the Board's resolution to appoint representative of Hassana Investment Co. (the investment arm) of GOSI (Asim bin Saad Al-Jurayyad) as a (Non- Executive) board member starting from the date of his appointment on 27/06/2021 G. to complete the Board term until the end of the current term on 31/12/2021 G., succeeding the former member (Abdullah bin Abdulrahman Al Shamrani) (non-executive).

4. Voting on the recommendation of the board of directors to transfer the total conventional reserve balance (143,002,490) SAR (allocated for maintenance work and the purposes determined by the Board of Directors) as in the financial statements ending in 2020 AD to the retained profits. (attached)

Proxy Form [Link]
E-Vote Shareholders registered in Tadawulaty services may vote remotely (on line) on the items of the assembly through the (electronic voting) service starting from 10:00 AM Wednesday 26/04/1442H corresponding to 01 December 2021 up to end of the time of holding the assembly, and registration and voting in Tadawulaty will be available free of charge for all shareholders through use of the following link: www.tadawulaty.com.sa
Eligibility for Attendance Registration and Voting Eligibility for Registering the Attendance of the General Assembly's Meeting Ends upon the Convenience of the General Assembly's Meeting. Eligibility for Voting on the Business of the Meeting Agenda Ends upon the Counting Committee Concludes Counting the Votes.
Method of Communication For inquiries and questions about the agenda items of the AGM can be contacted with Investor Relation department :

Phone: 0114816666 - Ext: 500

Mobile: 0504277630

Email: [email protected]

Additional Information The shareholder has the right to authorize another person to attend by virtue of a written proxy, provided that he is not a member of the board of directors or an employee of the company, and that it be approved by: Chambers of Commerce and Industry when the shareholder is affiliated with one of them or if the shareholder is a company or legal institution. A licensed bank or authorized person in the Kingdom, provided that the principal has an account with the bank or the authorized person performing the attestation. Notaries public or persons authorized to do notary work. The shareholder or his representative must provide the company with a copy of the power of attorney at least two days before the date of the meeting, and send it to the following address: Dur Hospitality Company P.O. 5500 Riyadh 11422. The proxy must present the original power of attorney before the assembly is convened, and all shareholders or their agents must bring their national ID.

Shareholders can attend via modern technology via (www.tadawulaty.com.sa)

Attached Documents [Link] [Link] [Link] [Link]

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