City of Las Vegas, NV

06/27/2022 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 06/27/2022 14:53

Safe-N-Sane Fireworks Go On Sale Tuesday Morning, June 28


Safe-N-Sane Fireworks Go On Sale Tuesday Morning, June 28

Employ Safety Precautions

Report Illegal Fireworks At

Valley firefighters and nonprofit organizations are gearing up for one of the busiest weeks of the year, the week preceding the Fourth of July holiday. Safe-N-Sane fireworks will be approved for sale by non-profit organizations and to be used by individuals beginning tomorrow, Tuesday, June 28, until 11:59 p.m. Monday, July 4, 2022. Because of the amount of dry vegetation this year and the high fire danger, fire officials are urging the public to use EXTREME caution when using fireworks and follow some simple safety rules.

This year, special units will be out to patrol for the use of illegal fireworks. Each patrol unit will consist of two law enforcement officers and two fire inspectors. The fire inspectors will determine if questionable fireworks are legal or illegal. If illegal, a fire inspector will have the authority to issue a citation and confiscate any other illegal fireworks at the incident. The person issued the citation could face a possible fine of $250. The cost of properly disposing of the confiscated fireworks may be the responsibility of the person being cited.

People wanting to report illegal fireworks should use the website instead of calling 3-1-1 or 9-1-1. Calling 9-1-1 should only be used in cases of an emergency, such as a person injured by fireworks or a fire started by fireworks; 3-1-1 or 9-1-1 should not be used to report illegal fireworks.

Safe-N-Sane fireworks are those that have been tested and approved by valley fire departments for use during this one week of the year. At all other times of the year, Safe-N-Sane fireworks are illegal as well as any other type of firework that flies through the air, explodes or rotates on the ground. On Tuesday morning, more than 70 fireworks booths inside the city of Las Vegas will stock up on approved Safe-N-Sane fireworks and be inspected by a fire inspector from Las Vegas Fire & Rescue. All fireworks booths must have a permit and be inspected to operate inside the city. In the past, some illegal booths were found to be in business; they were shut down, their fireworks confiscated and citations issued.

An illegal firework is one that either flies through the air, explodes, or whirls on the ground. In other words, you have no control over them and they can wind up causing a fire. These fireworks are extremely dangerous and are illegal throughout Clark County. Illegal fireworks usually are sold outside Clark County and on the Indian reservations. Those purchased on the Indian reservations are expected to be used on the reservation at a special designated area, and not off the property. Using them anywhere else in Clark County is illegal.


Although they are labeled Safe-N-Sane fireworks, some people have the impression that they are toys and children can "play with them." Safe-N-Sane fireworks can cause injury to people and are capable of starting large fires. A number of significant fires in the valley started in past years because of the use of Safe-N-Sane fireworks. People who purchase Safe-N-Sane fireworks must be at least 16 years of age. Booth operators have been instructed by fire officials to check identification if necessary to ensure that the person purchasing the fireworks is of proper age. The user still must exercise extreme caution when using Safe-N-Sane fireworks.

Fireworks Safety Tips

  1. Fireworks should be used on a flat, firm surface, such as the ground or a driveway. Fireworks are illegal on the street and sidewalk.
  1. Stay away from bushes, grasses and trees, or anything else that might catch fire. Stay away from vehicles.
  1. Have a bucket of water and/or garden hose available for use in case of fire.
  1. There should be a responsible adult present when fireworks are being used.
  1. After the firework has been used, it should be picked up with a shovel and dropped into a bucket of water and let soak for several hours before being discarded in the trash.
  1. "Duds" (fireworks that did not go off after being lit) should be picked up with a shovel and dropped into a bucket of water. You should NOT try to relight them
  1. If a fire does start because of fireworks, don't panic. Using the garden hose or bucket of water, either put the fire out or prevent it from getting larger. Someone should call 9-1-1.
  1. Fireworks should NEVER be used in a building.
  1. ANY type of firework is illegal at 12:01 a.m. July 5 and afterward, which includes Safe-N-Sane fireworks.
  1. Fireworks are illegal at all times on streets, in any parks, on city property or on school district property.
  1. Fireworks are NOT permitted on federal property, which includes all parks and recreational areas including Lake Mead, Mount Charleston, Spring Mountains and Red Rock. There is an extreme danger of fire in the park lands and people caught using fireworks can face an extremely stiff penalty.

Fire officials are concerned about the unusually high amount of plant growth and the extreme danger of fire, especially in the city. Many homes have yards with palm trees and other plant growth that easily burns, especially during the summer after a long, dry period like we have had this year. In the city, houses are closer together and a fire in a neighborhood can spread quickly, causing significant damage in a very small amount of time. Below are some safety precautions homeowners can take this week, prior to fireworks being used:

Homeowner Recommended Safety Precautions

  1. Clean your yard of any weeds or unnecessary plant growth. Cut grass and keep the lawn watered. Plants that are green are less likely to burn.
  1. Take down any dead palm fronds off trees. Dead fronds will burn very rapidly and cause hot, burning embers that can spread over a wide area, causing other fires.
  1. Clean up any accumulated dead leaves, pine needles and other dead plant materials and dispose of properly.
  1. Keep a garden hose connected and ready to use in case a fire starts in your yard, even if you are not using fireworks. If you do not have a garden hose to use, a bucket of water on stand-by is a good back-up.
  1. Keep pets inside in the evening, especially on the Fourth of July. Numerous pets run away or are reported missing July 4 because of the noise. More pets are reported missing on the Fourth of July than any other time of the year.
  1. Keep vehicles that are parked at home locked up and all windows shut. Park in a garage or under a canopy, if available.
  1. Check your property several times during the evening if fireworks are used in your area. Many times a fire can be detected while it is small and prevent it from getting larger.

People should remember that whether they are using Safe-N-Sane or illegal fireworks, if they cause damage to another person's property, they could be held financially responsible and liable for that damage. Some apartment complexes have prohibited the use of fireworks on their properties and warn tenants they could be asked to leave if they violate the rule.

Fireworks Booth Rules

  1. No smoking within 50 feet of firework booths.
  2. Matches, lighters and other sources of ignition are prohibited inside the fireworks booth.
  3. No persons under the age of 14 years of age are permitted inside the booth.
  4. Consumer must be at least 16 years of age to purchase fireworks. Operators have been advised to check identification to ensure the person purchasing is at least 16 years of age.
  5. Person purchasing fireworks cannot be under the influence of alcohol or drugs; a person cannot purchase fireworks for another person who is under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  6. Fireworks cannot be discharged or ignited within 300 feet of a fireworks booth or gas station.
  7. At least two people (or one adult/one teen) must be in booth at all times it is in operation (teens are 14-17 years of age).
  8. Portable generators, if used, must be kept at least 20 feet from fireworks booth. Gasoline tank on generator cannot hold more than 2 gallons of fuel.
  9. Cooking equipment must be kept at least 20 feet from booth.
  10. Open-flame cooking equipment must be at least 50 feet from the fireworks booth.
  11. Approved fire extinguisher must be inside booth at all times.
  12. Booths must have two exits (counter is not an exit).
  13. No vehicle or trailer shall park within 10 feet of booth. If used for storage, no less than 20 feet from booth.
  14. At end of day, fireworks must be removed from booth and returned to wholesale storage facility.
  15. Fireworks storage is prohibited in residential neighborhoods, inside dwellings, garages, public ways or in driveways (in other words, a trailer full of fireworks cannot be at any of the mentioned locations).
  16. Fireworks may remain in the booth overnight for storage, if approval is given by the fire department; a person must remain with the booth, awake and alert at all times. (He/she cannot sit inside a vehicle to watch the booth.)

These are just some of the rules that regulate the operation of fireworks booths in Southern Nevada.


Las Vegas City Council

Mayor Carolyn G. Goodman | Mayor Pro Tem Stavros S. Anthony

Michele Fiore | Cedric Crear | Brian Knudsen | Victoria Seaman | Olivia Diaz

City Manager Jorge Cervantes