Japan Exchange Group Inc.

11/30/2021 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 11/29/2021 21:01

Nov. 30, 2021JPXInformation JPX Publishes “Survey of TCFD Disclosure in Japan”

News Release

Nov. 30, 2021 JPXJPX Publishes "Survey of TCFD Disclosure in Japan"


On November 30, Japan Exchange Group, Inc. (JPX) published the "Survey of TCFD Disclosure in Japan", a survey of disclosure based on the Recommendations of the Task Force for Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) among the 259 Japanese listed companies which had declared support for TCFD (and were listed as a TCFD Supporter on TCFD's official website) as of the end of March 2021.

Japan's Corporate Governance Code, which was revised in 2021, asks listed companies (on a comply-or-explain basis) to address sustainability issues, including climate change and other global environmental issues, positively and proactively. Alongside this, it states that companies listed on the Prime Market in particular should collect and analyze the necessary data on the impact of climate change-related risks and earning opportunities on their business activities and profits, and enhance the quality and quantity of disclosure based on the TCFD Recommendations or an equivalent framework.

Under this environment, some companies are beginning to enact disclosure based on the TCFD Recommendations. The purpose of this survey is to understand the current situation around Japanese companies' disclosure of climate-related information based on TCFD, with the hope that it can be referred to by Japanese companies working on their own climate disclosure, as well as support efforts to enhance the quality and quantity of disclosure in general.

We hope that this survey can be of help to listed companies preparing their climate-related disclosure.

Please see the survey below.

Survey of TCFD Disclosure in Japan [Link]


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