Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic

01/18/2022 | Press release | Archived content

State Secretary Ingrid Brocková at the Sustainable Investment event at the Dubai EXPO: Environmental and social challenges are the greatest challenges facing the global[...]

18.1.2022 | Aktivity štátnych tajomníkov | Ekonomické správy | Ingrid Brocková |

Today (18 January 2022) State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic, Ingrid Brocková opened a workshop on sustainable investment and presentation of Slovak start-ups. The events are a part of the Global Sustainable Goals Week at the Slovak pavilion of the Expo in Dubai.

"Ecological and social sustainability is one of today's global challenges. Not only technologically advanced companies offering sustainable solutions, but also private and public investors have a key role to play in this process. Our aim is to support companies in developing new technologies and developing a more sustainable future-oriented business," confirmed the State Secretary.

The aim of the workshop, which was attended by Slovak innovative companies such as Sensoneo, Voltia, SmartHead, Crowdberry, InoCloud and foreign investors, was to exchange business experience in the field of sustainable development and present Slovak innovative companies to the audience of private and public investors.

State Secretary Ingrid Brocková: "I am pleased that, despite difficult conditions, we managed to travel here with Slovak entrepreneurs and enable them to present themselves to an international audience. To assist the internationalisation of Slovak enterprises is one of the main objectives of Slovak economic diplomacy."

As part of today's program, the Slovak delegation also visited a pavilion dedicated to strengthening the position of women in society.

The speech of the State Secretary